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Everything posted by zlemflolia

  1. Was this person also a three year old? ...What? It was a good line that exploded her psychology for us all to see. There were lots of bad lines in this movie, this one is not one of them In my opinion, the line is completely unnecessary. You get the idea without her saying a word. Comes off as sloppy immature writing. It seemed as if they were dumbing down the experience to cater to the average viewer which needs to be given every hint during their movie experience. So what other details specifically demonstrated that she has a sort of childish desire to be the best one if not for this line? Without it, it would be easy to misinterpret her as a generic bad guy alongside Wallace, whereas this portrays her as a dog wanting attention. Maybe there are some others but this one's fine. You think without this line it would be more intelligent (less dumbed down) and catering to a higher quality audience (not catering to the average viewer)? topkek
  2. Was this person also a three year old? ...What? It was a good line that exploded her psychology for us all to see. There were lots of bad lines in this movie, this one is not one of them
  3. but why , whyyy ??? its so fking boring and story is shit or are you watching because of the visual aesthetics ? tell me so i can understand. one word H O L O G R A P H I C A I W A I F U
  4. saw it a second time in imax this time 10/10 going to see it again for sure maybe even 4 times this is my favorite movie ive ever seen in a theatre before
  5. I'm not even going to bother reading any of the negative reviews which I'm sure exist for this movie I have to admit there are things I didn't like. Such as... But apart from that I loved it and think it was great. You can't expect too much from multimillion dollar movies that are expected to appeal to the masses, but this is a MILLION times better than I expected it to be and was great. Though the visuals were kind of boring in comparison to the original but I think that can be said for every modern movie since they overuse computers nowadays. Also the music was not as good as the original clearly Anyway I rate very highly and suggest you go in without a negative attitude
  6. Yeah, the US military aren't working on autonomous drones at all. And autonomous drones are more capable of shooting their projectiles than drones piloted by humans, how? There's no additional danger at this stage I'm not saying that's not a worry, but that's not a primary immediate worry, please read the post. How? Speed. Precision. And it's cheaper to send some autonomous drone into war than a vehicle with a person inside. If shot down, a drone is just X amount of money. (probably cheaper than you think). So in terms of warfare, you have a potential army which is bigger, cheaper and more effective when you can use autonomous "agents". Or in other words: it's easier to go to war (faster!) because with the right technologies, the aggressor has less risk to loose lives and needs less people to move around the planet, or to feed them. Warfare with less people is an entirely new concept which shouldn't be underestimated. Eg.: note the importance of the troops-on-the-ground argument in US involvement in middle-east. If that argument becomes redundant (because you don't need troops), what political argument will stop the US to get involved? Especially when it's also cheaper to just send drones. Implications are already visible as well: killing potential terrorists with drones without any kind of legal implications. AI in war, means more preventive aggression. Just 2 cts. Also, I think it's odd how easy you put aside the arguments against AI made by people from scientific fields (like AI itself). I'm talking about the remote controlled drones where there is nobody inside. We already have auto targeting and things like this. And AI won't give it anymore speed, that's a matter of better engineering in the engines and power sources not AI. I'm not putting aside any arguments. I'm specifically qualifying all of my statements with "immediate primary worry" and the immediate primary worries are already upon us. Psyops through ad targeting as well as psychological dependence upon AI systems like Google and Facebook. Make no mistake Google and Facebook are among the most advanced AI we have right now, it's just directed towards the realm of ad targeting and content retrieval so it doesn't seem apocalyptic yet. By focusing on abstract dangers people are ignoring the ones right in our faces.
  7. Yeah, the US military aren't working on autonomous drones at all. And autonomous drones are more capable of shooting their projectiles than drones piloted by humans, how? There's no additional danger at this stage I'm not saying that's not a worry, but that's not a primary immediate worry, please read the post.
  8. The people who hype up the dangers of AI often have shitty reasons The people who downplay the dangers of AI often have shitty reasons There is no "AI" there is only "applied machine learning" so to speak, and the real primary dangers of it include: -Society allowing itself to become dependent upon black box oracles they don't understand, for efficiency purposes -Targeted psyops campaigns through ads These are the immediate dangers. The rest like AI robots with machine guns are too far off in the future to worry about.
  9. MFM is one of my favorite RDJ releases ever. It's by far his most euphoric and happy sounding album. Track #7 has moved me almost to tears once while driving home through the desert at sunset time. Was a great moment. If this was released in high quality I would be so happy, I also really like the available rips though so I don't mind. But a release would bring it to more people so release please rich
  10. Why is it one week? What does the timer mean i.e. what is its time scale?
  11. I just personally still can't enjoy this as a track, as a piece of music to listen to. Only as a sound design experiment I don't like the constant high frequencies, they irritate my ears too soon into the half hour. If it was pitched down one octave I'd prefer it. In fact I'll do that and take a listen... Yeah, half speed is way more listenable as far as frequency range for me. Still almost unpleasant though. I hate saying this, lol, because I can tell it's a great track in other respects.
  12. girl scout cookies, samoans, the coconut ones oh god
  13. It's all made of waves, energies, frequencies, processes, functions and physical elements that form into complex structures (like solar systems or lifeforms). There are certainly complex interacting structures that might reproduce themselves and develop and even produce some form of mind but they don't necessarily fulfill the strictly defined biological criteria of "life" and maybe can't even be detected by the means of perception humans have. so maybe we should rethink our concept of what life is and what mind is before we are able to find intelligent alien life. many people won't even ascribe a complex mind to animals, so how could they do it with a being that doesn't have eyes and whose structure isn't even based on a genetic code? I agree, our concept of life and sentience is probably limited. There are probably many forms of non-sentient life, and many forms of sentient non-life. I hold the view that sufficiently advanced AI is sentient even if it can't reproduce like life can. I think biological life (the "life" defined to include reproduction) and sentience aren't linked
  14. We trim memories because they're largely useless. I vaguely remember something mentioned in a documentary I saw when I was young that people with supposed (((photographic memories))) suffer problems in life because they are inundated with garbage memories constantly. Stuff they don't need or want to remember but they do And I think it's reasonable to assume that the lower level you go down, the more useless individual points of information become. It's all emergent through the higher layers. Newtonian physics is a really high layer that gives us profoundly useful information about the state of the universe. The state of a single atom's charge at the moment in a piece of dirt somewhere though is literally useless. Similar might be said of quantum states, or maybe not I don't know anything about it.
  15. zlemflolia

    elseq 1-5

    Lmao death techno. Yeah I'm sure lots of people who like metal would love AE_LIVE and elseq, and even Untilted I played PlyPhon with my sister in hearing range once and she now thinks I listen to Skrillex, lol, oh god.
  16. Oh my God that recording is so fucking great Any more good ones from this era?
  17. This thread was made 5 fucking years ago Look how fast time passes, kill me now That's the message of vaporwave Way too drunk sorry. Fucking nostalgias. Nothing lasts
  18. too close to home. still lost it at "thats you stupid!" thoughlol same fam. It's comedy but he's dropping truth. I like how implies that caring about your girlfriend's feelings/well-being are an impediment in your path to Greatness (i.e. becoming a Holden Caulfield-assed Holocaust-denier-retweeter.) You completely missed the point and are unaware of the types of relationships he's talking about Parodies need to accurately capture an important aspect of the person being parodied - this doesn't at all Also he should have used a glass jar instead of a milk jug with water. Lazy sketch and not even funny
  19. This is indeed beyond brilliant, so far ahead of its time when it was released. I can't get over it. It's so great. This entire style seems to have been passed over though and maybe never redone by the autechre twins That being said: I hate whoever grave-dug this thread you gave me a heart attack (and boner)
  20. worthless roastie scum holding camera, i dont like sam anymoar
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