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Everything posted by zlemflolia

  1. if you were a minority group targeted by his bigoted, hateful, and outright reactionary rhetoric maybe you'd understand better, but empathy can help people understand issues that don't apply to them as well triggered? projections? he's fomenting reactionary right wing talking points used to oppress certain people. the word "triggered" is often used by right wingers to misrepresent dissent as an involuntary emotional reaction when it's actually well justified
  2. i disagree, the human brain is in fact so much more complex than a neural network that it's hard to make any comparison whatsoever, in fact I would not even put them in the same categories except for historical coincidences of naming i would go as far as to say that all the world's AI cannot even simulate a single human neuron
  3. wake me up when they shut down the military industrial complex and take their boot off south america and africa's neck
  4. the art AIs have learned from us how to reproduce what we do. you may even be able to tweak their parameters and make them make things we've never made. but it's generated from the data originally inputted to them, which is actually human made art. when you see these weird beautiful AI images, you are looking at the collective art of humanity, not art created by the AI. there is nothing removing the soul of art in AI simply calculating a few tensor operations the true AI art comes from people who use the AI in novel ways. and it is made by the people, not the AI. just as the painting is not made by the brush, even if some unique brushes let you make nice abstract textures
  5. you mean reflects the raw exploitation of the commodification of human attention through human attention markets?
  6. imagine thinking we should let the owning class control the means of production and get this money to begin with. clearly it should all be concentrated into the hands of the proletariat and taxed at 100%. then we don't need the IRS
  7. most idm 2022: music that is mostly listened to by other machines rather than humans
  8. this melodromatic bullshitting over electoral nonsense is a joke, as if these bourgeois ramblings will feed a single hungry person
  9. looks like a fish mating/nesting beacon
  10. Yang is a reactionary reformist capitalist who thinks you can just tweak the money distribution a bit and fix the fundamental problems of capitalism. he needs to read Marx
  11. you are derailing it posting "investopedia" definitions, I'm not shilling anything, I'm talking about climate change whereas you are all shilling for capitalism which results in me needing to refute your bullshit
  12. population scaremongering is just eco-fascism in disguise. first world people need to be transferred to third world carbon output standards of living
  13. changing the system by which we vote to place people into positions of representative power within the bourgeois state? those positions themselves are the problems: positions designed in such a way that they cannot take control of the means of production because of legal private property rights. how do you build nation-wide industrial scale communal means of production capable of being eco-friendly, without the proletariat, the most numerous and productive class, seizing the means of production and using it for their own needs rather than using it for the needs of the owning class during wage labor? you really think the capitalists, maybe a word you prefer over "bourgeoisie", will let people vote for universal housing, education, transportation, etc.? we need those things to be capable of hoping to avert the worse effects of climate change. we're consuming way too much energy as a species and still somehow failing to meet the needs of the population. what more is there to say about capitalism? https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1871/civil-war-france/ch05.htm
  14. have you looked into it? by its nature capitalism creates a hoard of wealth in the back room, and who gets to watch it? not democratic bodies ran by the people. by the private owners of the means of production
  15. bernie sanders is a weak social democrat and even that was too much for the owning class to allow to win. did you not see the campaign and watch it closely and see how the bourgeoisie actively prevented him from winning?
  16. okay what is your magical "other" political economy? you say you oppose capitalism for something else, describe it stop meta-discussing its embarasssing it does have to do with capitalism. how do the bourgeois class propose we regulate it? coincidentally, with electoral democracy, which ALWAYS becomes dominated by the very bourgeoisie it's supposed to regulate. so it does not regulate anything and becomes merely the violent arm of the bourgeoisie, as we got to see during the cold war and in domestic responses to trade unionists, communists, strikes, etc
  17. this is capitalist dogma. you think that about yourself? you think that about me and everyone in this thread? you think that about the typical person? no, you're talking out your ass with your anti-human comments you think humanity is naturally evil so we need to design society such that there is an owning class above us to oppress us into working for our own good? lol freedom to own your own business lol interesting how you forgot to mention how this freedom is accessible proportional to one's wealth. so yes, you are COMPLETELY right, capitalism IS freedom for the bourgeoisie. that's the problem.
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