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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by logakght

  1. I used too, but slowly and painfully I started creating my own library of patches and I create more from those, so I have many original stuff. Now I can't use presets since they don't sound like me.
  2. I'm proud of listening to IDM and indeed it's intelligent music for intelligent people. Anything else except the music I like is dumb.

  3. I'm thinking Aphex Fraud tbh yo.
  4. Thank you! Yeah, this was version I tho I'm indeed working in the version 2 :), gonna use it for some video work or something.
  5. logakght

    Now Reading

    Awesome! It is indeed wonderful. And don't worry, that math here isn't really that complex and something with a basic tutorial on the matter would do.
  6. logakght

    Now Reading

    Definitely. If you're interested in how mathematics can model our reality, but knowing there are actual limits to it and our understanding of the world philosophically, then this is a Beautiful work. I bought it physical, but you can take it from here digitally: https://animanoir.notion.site/The-Computational-Beauty-of-Nature-Computer-Explorations-of-Fractals-Chaos-Complex-systems-and-Ad-54abaf6db88f4118a4e8fc5d95e1f8f1?pvs=4
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