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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by logakght

  1. I do, but just to explore inside the Genre list and history of each one. https://rateyourmusic.com/genres/
  2. I judge people based on the music they listen.
  3. Nice poll. What strikes me about Aphex Twin is his authentic passion for music creation, with little regard for external opinions or norms. His most recent work stands out for its unique sonic character—there's an evident individuality to it that is simply compelling. What I respect in any artist is the liberty to pursue their vision authentically and wholeheartedly. In Aphex Twin's case, I don't think he ever set out to be "groundbreaking"; it's just a natural byproduct of his unfiltered creativity.
  4. Probs that description was written with ChatGPT yo
  5. USA politics are a total circus and it seems its just the telenovela of people.
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