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Venus No. 17 Acid Mix opening sample

Guest hahathhat

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Guest Dr. Elemeno von Hat X: PhD

the sample that opens this fantastic track up...


"so, you are the americanos... well today, i bid you [drhat unable to transcribe]"


is it from somewhere? seems familiar




also, what are all these clicky noises halp they're attacking my brainstem

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Guest analogue wings

"Today I build you two coffins"


I imagine it's a Jamaican deejay [mis]quoting A Fistful of Dollars, which was huuuuge in Jamaica and got quoted to shit in reggae tracks etc.


Also, Tom as sampled deejay chat before, including a chopped up David Rodigan playing a request for "Thomas" on his radio show (Vic Acid EP?).

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Those clicky noises are... Well, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about.


It's either the rides on the James Brown break, or the gate effect on the amen/think break.

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Guest Dr. Elemeno von Hat X: PhD
errr... like this?


(for the dr.)


ha, yeah... the sample was my real question. i was just joking around about the clickies... though they are one of my favorite aspects of the track... there's something about a tidal wave of clicky drum noises that makes me giggle just as does witnessing large explosions


The first time I heard it was through a friend who had the file named Tree Coffin. It wasn't out yet... Good times.



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  • 4 months later...

i don't know about the original sample source, but it sounds to me like "so, you are the americanos. well, today i build you three coffins."


not 100% sure on the "americanos" though.

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There is always the possibility that Tom actually recorded that himself. Maybe not him saying it, but yeah. Isn't there some other thread (I think I actually started it) about that "They call me the big pill" sample? I'm pretty sure he recorded that one.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Pete is your friend

So chu are da americanos, today i build chu tree coffins. . .


" Hey . . . Haye . . . Hey,

Hey , Hay, Hai!"

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