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Venetian Snares - My Downfall

Guest Kibreg

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"I am like a prostitute, taking a beautiful thing like sex and selling it,"





lol wtf?




but it all seriousness I understand what he is saying. I mean, I like to sit around with my guitar, a few big effects racks, and a few huge delay pedals and make ambient musics. I only do it for me. I just sit around and listen to myself and sometimes noodle over the ambient textures I have created. I make it for myself. i make it for the moment. If it were to be recorded, the meaning of the music is lost, because it is no longer for myself or in the moment.

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Guest bitroast
well i hope its not over emotional rubbish like muziqs last one was


theres a very slight chance you may be just a little bit disapointed.

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I think its kinda silly...the effect is only lost for the artist himself


that doesn't mean others can't listen and project their own feelings on it, its not like the song is dead now and everyone just hears shit

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I think its kinda silly...the effect is only lost for the artist himself


that doesn't mean others can't listen and project their own feelings on it, its not like the song is dead now and everyone just hears shit


yes but is music even made for the listener? I don't know.






Btw. Just listened to the samples. So did snares compose all of this music or what? Like did he write it and get choirs to perform it? And then rework it?

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Guest sjokki
So did snares compose all of this music or what? Like did he write it and get choirs to perform it? And then rework it?


From an interview with Computer Music Magazine:


Just how does he achieve those incredibly life-like sounding string sections? "I've got really into the East West Quantum Orchestra stuff" he reveals. "I love those libraries. I can't wait to check out Play - I'm definitely going to pick up the Gypsy instrument. But yeah, it's all programmed and sequenced in Renoise."




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No, but your music is kind of fruity. In a good way. Really I just needed a lower key electronic music player who has taken shit online better than Snares as an example and you fit the bill.


So what if Aaron is so weepy crybaby emotional? that's what makes this shit funny.



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Also - listening to these samples I'd say his biggest problem this time around is that instead of ripping actual good Orchestral music, he wrote his own shitty, lifeless orchestral music with a shitty, lifeless orchestral VST.


what im hearing so far is a lot better than rosz. I think youd be surprised to know how much modern classical and especially mainstream film soundtracks are using orchestral vsts. Not that aaron is using them super transparently, it is noticable, but they can be used to great convincing effect if done properly.

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I'm pretty sure the really transparent ones are the $10,000 full Vienna Symphony libraries, not the $500 East/West cheapies. Even then, you can hear the dripping fakeness in a lot of modern film scores. I have totally noticed it. It's also because the end up doing really drastic EQ and compression to it, makes it sound like an orchestra covered by a pop group. This stuff just sounds totally fake, it's not even close. Maybe it's because I grew up around chamber music or something. It just doesn't sound like this.


Plus, the compositions aren't nearly as good. I mean, I don't think this is really his strong suit. He's no Bartok that's for sure.

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Guest Helper ET
If fucking WISP can take more shit than you it's time to end it all.


I don't really quite know what this is meant to imply. Dost thou thinketh that I frollic with rabbits and pisseth rainbows?


No, but your music is kind of fruity. In a good way. Really I just needed a lower key electronic music player who has taken shit online better than Snares as an example and you fit the bill.



Wait a second here....pull the vehicle over. Is WISP thanks robert moses???

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Guest Helper ET

i'm just judging by your behavior towards me. I totally forgot that the longer you've been around WATMM the cooler you get. i could still like you, it's not to late! you can change Charlie....change!!!!


your like those kids in their first year of high school who suddenly think they are better than their younger peers, because they are not on their level


ANYWAY........so is WISP really thanks robert moses?

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And no, thanks robert moses is not Wisp, it's just a fun role playing excersize where for the past 3 years we all pretend that thanks robert moses is the electronic music semi-star known as Wisp. We all know the real truth (that Wisp is actually Global Goon), but we've had so much fun role playing we've just decided not to stop.

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