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was 2001: a space odyssey

Chris Moss Acid

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i got into a 2001 mood about an hour ago and i was just checking out some triva and stuff on the internet (going to watch it in a second) and it dawned upon me (no pun intended) that this film is really far out and pretty much hasnt been touched by any other science fiction film in 39 years. the only science fiction films that come to mind are: blade runner and starwars: a new hope.. but reall they dont have the epic scale of 2001






i know there are some kubrick fans out there




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I don't like it very much.


I mean, I like weird shit, but come on...it shouldn't take a half hour to do it.


25.38 in fact.


i love Richard Strauss's Thus Spoke Zarathustra on the lunar landings and monolith scenes.. i have come to a new appriciation of this piece of music

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for - attention to style ..' overall build quality .... against - boring arty shit ...


i agree that as far as sci-fi is concerned ... people just don't spend the time getting it right ... star wars is a major achievement .. for the ver reason that it looked so good ... they didn't just fit a few guys in firemen suit into a set filled with steam and over hanging vacuum cleaner pipes .... i think that this is the case is more a comment on the lack of imagination of hollywood .. than the fact that it would be too difficult to stage something like that ... lucas isn't a genius he should be the starting point base level average damnit ...

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All I have to say is that Primer was amazing. Most complicated movie I have ever seen. I am not sure if you would consider it sci/fi though.


There is also supposed to be an Ender's Game movie with the script written by Orson Scott Card. I have high hopes for that.



Oh and Solaris was sweet.

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There are some space shots in that movie, that even if you watch it now in the upcoming High-definition DVD, look so impressive you do not understand how Douglas Trumbull made them.


Really if you think about it, there was NOTHING before that, and almost nothing after until 9 years later (Star Wars). The slowness of the FX should make them even more obvious, but no, au contraire, they look even more amazing. They feel absolutely real. Feel. Yeah. Compare this to the boring 0.2 second shaky shots in Armageddon.

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There is also supposed to be an Ender's Game movie with the script written by Orson Scott Card. I have high hopes for that.


it's gonna blow .. i just know it .... i didn't realise that they'd gotten scott card to do the script .... maybe if he also story boarded and could choose actors based on appropriateness rather than current marketability ... there'd be some hope ..

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There is also supposed to be an Ender's Game movie with the script written by Orson Scott Card. I have high hopes for that.


it's gonna blow .. i just know it .... i didn't realise that they'd gotten scott card to do the script .... maybe if he also story boarded and could choose actors based on appropriateness rather than current marketability ... there'd be some hope ..





fuck yeh i've always been a bit parcial to wolfgang pieterson since das boot. i dotn care about the haters the fact is wolfgang directed the best submarine war movie of all time

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Guest thefussydutchman

ending of movie + nick warren set =




edit: sorry about the coding here, never tried to embed a video before...screw it, didn't work the way i thought it would... so there's the link

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i really really like this movie...


the parts i never hear mentioned - but which really struck me - are those 'interludes' with the ligeti music. such a simple idea - but it's so fucking effective! you've got this almost light-hearted stuff with the blue danube and all this and then it's like the pull the shutters away and show space for what is is - this huge cavernous void.


ahead of it's times in lots of ways for a pretty mainstream movie... but it's also very of it's time as well (late 60s moon-landings, 'psychedelic' scenes).


well said, but wasnt there a time in the last 15 years where 1960's art decco was a big fashion thing, which mostly came out of the set designs from 2001?

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Guest ezkerraldean

stunning it was, stunning it still is.




a lot of the space travel detail is pretty accurate - the idea of rotating stations providing artificial gravity etc. you can tell arthur c clarke had a hand in it.


although it did take its time a bit. you could probably cut the film to half its length and still have everything in it.





"don't do it, dave.........."

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i got into a 2001 mood about an hour ago and i was just checking out some triva and stuff on the internet (going to watch it in a second) and it dawned upon me (no pun intended) that this film is really far out and pretty much hasnt been touched by any other science fiction film in 39 years. the only science fiction films that come to mind are: blade runner and starwars: a new hope.. but reall they dont have the epic scale of 2001






i know there are some kubrick fans out there





fuck yeah it was ahead of its time. Kubrick must have sold his soul to the devil to have a movie with nearly flawless blue screening/compositing and miniature blending.

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Guest AOOproductions

Blade Runner yes... and Solaris is way better I think. Special effects wise 2001 was much farther ahead of it's time, but Solaris to me rose more questions(personally) and was visually more profound and perplexing. 2001 had a much more creative look and cooler camera angels, but Solaris had shots and sequences that seriously fucked with my head thru the most seemingly simplistic long shots and editing techniques.


Also lets not forget Metropolis... wayyyyy further ahead of it's time than 2001(comparatively speaking). Fuck compare the special FX of that movie to anything 30 or 40 years after and it still held up. 2001 is still a landmark though, no doubt.

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Guest analogue wings

I always assumed it was made about the time of Star Wars. When I found out it was made in the fucking SIXTIES. Shit.


Pretty much still looks like it was made last week to me.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

i think whether or not it was influential of other space films that followed it is irrelevant, the entire film is absolutely mindblowing, and the ending never fails to have me feeling short of breath because it is so intense.

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yep, great film. don't know what more can be said about it than has already been mentioned.


I've seen it a few times, but one of the most memorable was watching this as a teenager with a head full of acid.

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