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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

just finished 'lynch on lynch'.

a book length interview. thoroughly enjoyed. am going to wipe my brain so i can enjoy again.


need a new book now, got nothing lined up. poop

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just picked up the other day


Gravity's Rainbow




i'm trying to read it without the companion guide...wish me luck


been reading this for the last 3 weeks too...wow.. if anyone actually keeps looking up all those references on every single page.

But thats what really turned me into the book.. and i only looked up a few words (eg didnt know what Lobotomy was about before lol)

Edited by plstik
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Guest Mr Salads

just picked up the other day


Gravity's Rainbow




i'm trying to read it without the companion guide...wish me luck


been reading this for the last 3 weeks too...wow.. if anyone actually keeps looking up all those references on every single page.

But thats what really turned me into the book.. and i only looked up a few words (eg didnt know what Lobotomy was about before lol)


Pinchon's a prick. I read "V" and it was actual garbage. I wiped my ass with it.


I bought rainbow before V, read V on the pretext it'd be like suiting up to go into space, then decided i didn't want to go to space after that. Earth makes a lot more sense anyway

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I just finished "The Wasp Factory" by Scottish author Iain Banks. Quite good, if a little short. Unexpected direction just by going off the description on the back cover. I received it as a gift.


That's like his first ever book. He's done about 20 more since, all great. He does regular books as Iain Banks and sci-fi as Iain M Banks. Only one of his I've read that sucked was Walking On Glass, I think his second novel... but yeah anything recent by him is tops.


interesting, thank you sir


walking on glass is my favourite iain banks. i've read them all i think except the last new one. ignore this fool.


any recent? he got worse yeah! go old with this guy and avoid the one about him driving around drinking whisky.


interesting. thank you sir.

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Guest analogue wings

walking on glass is my favourite iain banks. i've read them all i think except the last new one. ignore this fool.


what what. you liked that whiney teenage emo novel? were you a teenager when you read it?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

walking on glass is my favourite iain banks. i've read them all i think except the last new one. ignore this fool.


what what. you liked that whiney teenage emo novel? were you a teenager when you read it?


its the one about the two warriors imprisoned in the castle made of books right? with the crow that mocks them. haven't read it since i was in my 20s but i really liked it back when i did. i'll dig it out and see if i was wrong.


i really liked all his books that weren't scifi or about whiskey

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Guest leprechaun

Just finished A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - I caught my mom in the midst of throwing out a really old Mark Twain collection that belonged to my grandmother and rescued them. Am now reading A Peoples' History of the United States.

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Guest analogue wings

its the one about the two warriors imprisoned in the castle made of books right? with the crow that mocks them. haven't read it since i was in my 20s but i really liked it back when i did. i'll dig it out and see if i was wrong.


i really liked all his books that weren't scifi or about whiskey


i liked the inventiveness of the fantasy storyline. the three storylines thing feels a bit like he is practicing for bigger and better things though.


i mainly disliked the storyline about the nerdy guy with the unrequited crush - it just has that whole teenage poetry all wimmins are evil angst all over it


i havent read the travelogue about whiskey


i like pretty much all his books, though he does sometimes set up this huge complex world and multilayerd storyline and then have an ending that doesnt quite live up to the rest of the book

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Guest Glass Plate



currently reading this baby, 200 pages in liking it a lot so far.

Delany seems to be pretty unknown a bit of shame, any one here familiar with him?

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Guest abusivegeorge






















has anyone said it yet? Have they? Has anyone said? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Guest Glass Plate

thomas pynchon - inherent vice


saw this at the bookstore. had to double take as the cover makes it look like a mystery novel by jimmy buffett. didn't realize he had a new one out so i bought it. it's ok, really slight reading compared to his other books. kind of pointless.


I read this too, it wasn't pointless though. Carries a lot of Pynchon themes and social reflections. It's been said that novels like Against the Day and Gravity's Rainbows are like his Opera's, Crying lot of 49 is a fugue, and this is more of a Pop song. Very true, a much broader audience can read this novel while still being exposed to some of the ideas Pynchon expresses with his work.

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