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Wisp - The Shimmering Hour

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Guest tonfarben
Honor Beats is very good except the first track which sounds like Lord of the Rings.

Maybe, but this thread is exactly NOT the thread to discuss Honor Beats. Did you oversleep the last two years? OK then, sleep another three, we will wake you up when


will be released... :laughing:
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guys i found a really spooky thing and IT WORKS ITS REAL




ok first off imagine a number between 1 and 100...




now imagine richard d james




now press the power button on your computer he will appear to you and whisper the release date into your ear then fuck you to pancake lizard

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A groan of tedium escapes me,

Startling the fearful.

Is this a test? It has to be,

Otherwise I can't go on.

Draining patience, drain vitality.

This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old.


But I'm still right here

Giving blood, keeping faith

And I'm still right here.


Wait it out,

Gonna wait it out,

Be patient (wait it out).



If there were no rewards to reap,

No loving embrace to see me through

This tedious path I've chosen here

I certainly would've walked away from this thread


by now.



And I still may ... (sigh) ... I still may.


Be patient.

I must keep reminding myself of this.

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Guest Asterix

this release is 6 times more eagerly anticipated than the flashblub release!



PS, I had to wait 4 years between them saying they'd release my tracks and them actually doing so. :beer:

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