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Anyone plays the game GO?


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I'm fucketly addicted a long time now.


If anyone plays it via KGS let me know.


Go is the best game in the world, kicks ass off chess and all other pussy board games!

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i respect GO from afar but much prefer chess. I wonder how chinese go masters would do if they had spent their time on chess, always makes me curious who the greatest chess minds could have been if given exposure to a chess board

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Guest serpico009

very good game, I used to play Go as a teenager.


EDIT: rules take some getting used to, as there are variations depending on the country/region/event.

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I respect chess, but kinda cant get into it, since I love go's openess.


And I get a boner listening to reports that computer programs suck dick, not even able to beat me, and I'm a avarage (1 kyu) player. They are developing them for decades and getting nowhere, and that makes me feel go is pure art.


Go damnit!
















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Rules are simpler than than those of chess but it takes some time to get the feel of the game.


Try: http://www.kiseido.com/


If you go on Kiseido go server (kgs) people there will help you. You will ussually find me there at this time of the day as "Aphex twin" :embrassed:


The thing about go I probably love best is you reflect the way you play the game on your personality as it exposes your characters weakpoints and you can work on them in the game. But lets not get too abstract so soon in this debate...

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cool, thanks for the link


The thing about go I probably love best is you reflect the way you play the game on your personality as it exposes your characters weakpoints and you can work on them in the game.


i imagine the pieces on the board forming a go penis....

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I used to play. It's a great game. also great to play while stoned heheh.


Go is better than chess because computers aren't any good at it yet.



I think yahoo games has go. lets make a watmm tournament or something

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i respect GO from afar but much prefer chess. I wonder how chinese go masters would do if they had spent their time on chess, always makes me curious who the greatest chess minds could have been if given exposure to a chess board


I have a friend that is really really good at chess, he is ranked and all that shit.


I beat him at go every single time.


When you get really into chess it sucks because instead of thinking about strategies and stuff you have to study games and memorize them. Im not sure but i don't think go is like that.

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The thing about go I probably love best is you reflect the way you play the game on your personality as it exposes your characters weakpoints and you can work on them in the game. But lets not get too abstract so soon in this debate...


yeah that's really true, like if people are defensive you can try to play them into turtling or if they are like assertive you can try to play them into making blunders. psychology is a real factor in go. it is in chess too but to a lesser degree.

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Guest vodor

i fucking love Go. i'm such a pussy though that i've hardly played it.


all throughout college though, i observed tons and tons of games on IGS. everything i know about Go, i've observed on IGS.


but i've hardly played it. i've played it with my girlfriend, but i taught her how to play it, so that doesn't really count.


i think the best i've done is beat gnugo when i had a 5 handicap. the best my girlfriend has done against me is about match me when she had a 5 handicap.


i love it though.

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I'm pretty good at Chess but I'm fucking terrible at Go. I'm not really sure how comparable the two are in terms of skill though. Fred and I were talking over a Chess game about "the experts mind". There was a study done of various experts at different activities, Chess, sports, mathematics, etc. In any event the study basically concluded that it was all just a matter of repetition. Once these people had done the same thing over and over again enough times, more and more complex "pieces" of that activity would become singular concepts within the mind. Whereas you or I might look at a Chess position, or Go position, and have to analyze each of the individual pieces, a master will see one or two "concepts" that they have learned through repetition. Basically like words. Once they have enough of these larger concepts constructed, it becomes easier for them to work with more and more complex problems. So anyway, I think the best Go masters are the best Go masters not because they have some strange innate brain ability to master board games, but because they have a single minded obsession over Go that lead them to study it far more than even a serious amateur player would. This intense level of study would then lead them to be very good at Go but not much else, or at least nothing else that would utilize the logic structures that Go has set up in their mind.


Also, Fred is being modest, he's got the upper hand on me in our current match.

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Guest vodor

i forgot to mention that i only got into Go because of Hikaru no Go, which makes me even more of a pussy than i painted myself as before.

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The thing about go I probably love best is you reflect the way you play the game on your personality as it exposes your characters weakpoints and you can work on them in the game. But lets not get too abstract so soon in this debate...


yeah that's really true, like if people are defensive you can try to play them into turtling or if they are like assertive you can try to play them into making blunders. psychology is a real factor in go. it is in chess too but to a lesser degree.

totally. but it's even more fun to observe your own moves/reactions and compare them to what you do in real life.

like you will find something troubling you in your go play, but soon you'll see paralels to that in your everyday life. then you'll be able to work on those troubles on both fronts, through the game and in your everyday life.

(i'm not using the word "problem" because i'm not talking about things as particular as game "problems")


but yeah, that doesn't mean that the professionals with high master ranks are any "better people" than the rest. lol, if anything, they're socially disabled (what TFTT wrote - obsession) and most of them are probably assholes. but i guess that's professionals' thing. i'm sure there are some master rank players out there that developed their play and personality skills together to a respectable level.

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I'm pretty good at Chess but I'm fucking terrible at Go. I'm not really sure how comparable the two are in terms of skill though. Fred and I were talking over a Chess game about "the experts mind". There was a study done of various experts at different activities, Chess, sports, mathematics, etc. In any event the study basically concluded that it was all just a matter of repetition. Once these people had done the same thing over and over again enough times, more and more complex "pieces" of that activity would become singular concepts within the mind. Whereas you or I might look at a Chess position, or Go position, and have to analyze each of the individual pieces, a master will see one or two "concepts" that they have learned through repetition. Basically like words. Once they have enough of these larger concepts constructed, it becomes easier for them to work with more and more complex problems. So anyway, I think the best Go masters are the best Go masters not because they have some strange innate brain ability to master board games, but because they have a single minded obsession over Go that lead them to study it far more than even a serious amateur player would. This intense level of study would then lead them to be very good at Go but not much else, or at least nothing else that would utilize the logic structures that Go has set up in their mind.


Also, Fred is being modest, he's got the upper hand on me in our current match.


Exactly - pros observe the whole board all the time while retards like me always locally mend our recent fuckups and can't see where anything is going...


As a painter it's interesting how similar go and painting is. In both, composition plays a vital role and in both, you have to be objective and analytical, emotions have to be under control.


btw I'll be very happy if anyone wants to join up on KGS and play with me. Having the Aphextwin nick lots of folks playing with me already hailed me as the electronica king hehe, and we hade cool debates throughout the game, but nobody from watmm yet...

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Guest bitroast

ooh. the game from Pi? i'd be interested in learning that.

i'm having a look at the kgs site now.

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