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Acid Messiah

Guest Italic Eyeball

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Guest six hundred n

love the bass line, very 90s electronica!


don't like the snare sound though, would prefer something more synthetic or of a lower bit rate

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Guest hellomynameis

yeah the baseline is cool, but I think you need to bring the drums in earlier imo. But it gets good when the stabby synths come in

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Guest Italic Eyeball
don't like the snare sound though, would prefer something more synthetic or of a lower bit rate


yeah i've thought about the drums a lot... i put some distortion in to give them some edge, but they got kind of muddy when it all mixed up.


i'm still mulling over that one... i'll mess around and see what happens.


thanks for the input though, guys.

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Guest Promo

Not bad. Dunno if I was feelin' the panning going on in the drums that could prolly do my head in on headphones and could possibly create a bit of nausea lol. Pads seemed a little ineffectual. Dunno man obviously this is early stages and more elements would need to be brought in. The bassline is quite nice and could really do with something powerful on top of it. I can hear potential in this.

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