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Guest boo

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i fainted this morning and landed face-first on a dinner plate. while i was in hospital they discovered that i might have a serious-ish heart defect (probably unrelated to the fainting) so there are a few echo-cardiograms in my near future. they only reluctantly discharged me today. it's been a tough day.


Fuck me, sorry to hear that shit Iain. Without being trivialising things or being trite though, providential at least in some way for it to be discovered than remain undiscovered? On the plus side, steristrips are a good look for you. Rocked that one myself not so long after getting twatted at the end of a night out.

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a wee spot of bum


did you ever do that gig at the subclub/arches/anywhere?


nah man, building upto it though, ive been given a night on sundays at a cool little bar next to central station where i can turn up and play deep house/dubby techno/dark techno all night each week and ive played a few other smaller nights. i need to refine my mixing style before playing somewhere as prolific as the subby tbh. im looking forward to being in control of one of the best sound systems in the world though, bigtime.

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Guest ezkerraldean

Nice hat, comrade.

I've tried shitty woolly hats from Walmart but none are nearly as warm as my genuine Red Army ushanka. Working outside in -40 sorts the men-hats from the boy-hats
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me at the drillsite, lame picture innit


i'm a professional geologist now bitches! working in north Quebec

Where more precisely?

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Guest ansgaria

Got a Nikon D90, just shooting some.


Coffee from a Mr. Scruff mug





And the obligatory mirror reflection shot



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I'm really sorry for the hipster pic, but I girlfriend took this one, and I like sincere ones much better than staged ones.


At long last, a shot of someone morphing into rdj.

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Guest ansgaria

i like the old look of the colours. are the pictures photoshopped?


Quite frankly yes, I have a hard time letting a shot go unphotoshoped these days. It's just a quick fiddle with the colour curve though.

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Guys, this is mad rare for me to post a picture of myself... luckily that I am a bit tipsy, here it goes.




This was from Halloween.

Damn you're cute. I'm still waiting for our first meetup. :rtfm:

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those asians are using that invisible cloak technology


I know right. They are stealth. They also know how to party.


Damn you're cute. I'm still waiting for our first meetup. :rtfm:


What do you look like

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