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Guest Iain C

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I get nightmares occasionally, and it only involves these assholes:

greyalien1e8fe9hi4.jpg EVERY single time.


I don't believe in alien abduction, but I can't explain why every "bad" dream only features these things. Quite honestly the only thing that frightens me a bit.


bad news man...those aren't nightmares you're having


Watch out for your cornhole bud.

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Guest Iain C

I dreamed that Gary and I went to America together. Driving from the airport to wherever we were staying, we called into a "convenience store" to pick up supplies. I bought two packets of cigarettes, two magazines, and a can of beer; but trouble arose when Gary tried to pay the Mexican shopkeeper with a $200 note, which was the only currency we had. "Do you think I have change for that??" he said. But then I had a brainwave, and offered to pay in British money. I handed the shopkeeper a £5 note, and put about £5 in coins down as well. As the total was only $11, this was far more than necessary. "Ah, thankyou," he said. "You're good customers! Good customers!"


As we were leaving he asked us our names. For reasons that only make sense in dreams, we said "the Simpsons." Then the shopkeeper asked us if we watched the show. "Oh yeah," I said, "we watch it all the time." But Gary - God damn you Gary - just said "yup" and then hawked up and spat on the floor of the shop as if to intensify or strengthen his affirmative. It was at this point that we were thrown out of the shop by the enraged keeper, and I woke up.


This wasn't a nightmare by the way, it was fucking awesome

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Your wife is a witch.

Funny you should mention that, she put Practical Magic in the DVD player earlier.



But don't get me started.  She told me people start that rumor every few years or so.  Once when I was cleaning off the coffee table I said something that made her mad, and I picked up one of her barretts (one of those metal ones that bend and "pop" into place) and it snapped open and nearly cut my finger.  This is only Exhibit A.  I could probably get to K.


I have had to get used to the idea, but "witch" has connotations we both tend to disagree with.  We prefer to say that things just happen.


Safe to say, she would probably have been burned in Salem, but what would you call a woman that has the signs of being a witch but does not practice witchcraft?  An Un-Witch?

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last one i had was me and a bunch of other people in an army squadron sent to infiltrate north korea for some reason. It ended with most of us dying, for some reason i had to pull out an arrow from my side. Then I had to retreat when my group got captured, and went guerilla backwards towards the border. With the confusion in wherever we were, I figured we could cause enough disruption to busy the NK detatchments while the South Koreans crossed the border. Then I woke up. I dont remember ever having dreams this meticulous and plot driven.

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And thanks robert moses, have you ever encountered a marionette with a head shaped like an apple in that house?


lol no. is that a movie reference?

(sorry, didn't mean to ignore)



Actually, no.  That worst nightmare I ever had?  The one on my honeymoon?  I was in some sort of team that went into a house (like the one you described), and then the house (similar to the one you describe) went fucky, floorboards bending up and down in opposite corners, sheetrock exploding, wires snapping and sparking.  I lay down on the floor on my back and everything turns red, like a photographer's darkroom.  Then this marionette-looking boy-thing with a head shaped like an apple comes out of nowhere.  His eyes look remarkably similar to Gollum's from the Rankin/Bass animated version of The Hobbit, and his mouth is turned down at the corners, giving him an unconscious expression of stupidity.  I know I'm not supposed to scream, but he steps over me, and I lose it.  He notices me, walks up above my head and holds out his hand.  It looks like one of those alien hands, with tiny bones and almost no flesh, and I can't resist, but my hand moves up towards his and I start crying, begging, "no, please . . . "  Then everything goes black and my wife woke me up.


I call him Pomme-tete.

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As a child (and probably still now as well) I always started to see these scary faces on walls and things when I stared in front of me for too long. It's kind of weird because I was probably thinking of something evil subconsciously or something, but the actual faces that appeared seemed very real.

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lol I zoomed in on that tower while filming, when I was visiting Prague in 2006. I never was close enough to notice the 'babies' but you can kind of recognize them in this piece of footage I shot, when you have checked the picture of that website



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Anyone ever attempted drawing the places from their dreams? I dug up a couple of mine from last year:



that weird foil-tower. not very accurate drawing, it looked kind of different.



dead dutch swan approach



beginning of a nightmare on the morning of my birthday



Northern Irish petrol station



Frustrating swingset. Another nightmare actually. I liked the idea so I took it a bit further and built a 3d model of it:




Building inside open air ruins of my school


Finally, another rendering, I feel asleep while S.A.W.2 Spots was playing and got this image in my head, it's just a still though:

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Guest hahathhat

i'm envious of mr. terpintollowut. i'm not good at drawing actual things, and i definitely HAVE tried to draw shit i've seen in dreams, but... never feels like i get it right.


Here are some (non-nightmares) I've wanted to draw:


1. I was in a library, massive fucking gorgeous arched ceiling, stained glass. Like three stories tall open air, books from floor to ceiling. I'm looking at the north or south end and there's a stairway going along the huge shelves. All I remember about the dream was how intensely gorgeous the building was, walking around, looking in awe... but as those funny things go, I can kinda _feel_ more of the dream - like, I can't remember it, but it's on... the tip of my tounge, I guess you'd say, except it's my memory, not my tounge. Anyone else get that? It's charming, weird, and intensely frustrating all at once. Tried drawing this, did it somewhat, but overall I felt it was terribly crude.


2. Walking along a road with lush green fields on either side. I see a path leading off into the fields. When I get to the top I turn around and look back, just a beautiful scene. Tried drawing and utterly failed.


3. I'm standing in some sort of desert ruin, looking off into the sands. Some crazy floaty ghost thing is there. Didn't scare me, more was a feeling of reverence... beautiful scene, just like 1 and 2. Tried drawing and did enough to get the point across, but failed to capture the feeling.

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2. Walking along a road with lush green fields on either side. I see a path leading off into the fields. When I get to the top I turn around and look back, just a beautiful scene. Tried drawing and utterly failed.


Reminded me of another one I drew. I didn't post it cause it doesn't exactly look dream-esque, but it was kind of a strong motive in the dream, especially cause it was revealed to be right next to where I live, even though I live in a city



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I had a dream in which I masturbated into a tissue and then a girl I know was showing the (somehow) resulting dead fetus to everyone.

I couldn't work it out. But I figure I was masturbating because it was a hot morning and I was lying face-down in my bed, presumably drilling my mattress with morning wood. I've since decided to understand the 'dead fetus shame' as a sign that I'm wasting a lot of my potential; either in general life or poon.


Also those swing images are pretty cool. I can understand how frustrating that'd be in a dream.

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But I figure I was masturbating because it was a hot morning and I was lying face-down in my bed, presumably drilling my mattress with morning wood.


Now that you say it, I'm familiar with this, never thought about the possibility of it being the cause of the dream but it makes sense. I actually had a dream last week in which the woman just wouldn't open her mouth and found myself waking up in that position. :ermm:


Also those swing images are pretty cool. I can understand how frustrating that'd be in a dream.


Yeah, they were more frustrating for the concept "it can't work" rather than for not being able to swing.

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I tried to explore that concept earlier, as I've had many frustrating dreams where simple concepts just don't seem to work. I was irked by your image and couldn't decide whether it was the act of intrusion or the audacity and size of the intrusion which effected me most.

I think it's purely a matter of frustration more than anything else. In dreams, the size (large concrete block) can be terrifying and immovable, but I think the intruding object alone is the point.


I used have those frustrating dreams a lot when I was younger. I have them less often now, or at least in a less visceral sense. Those immovable objects are the most terrifying images in nightmares.

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Yeah, it was the boldness of the blockage for me too, the cylinder wasn't made of concrete (at least not the outside), it was some kind of felt, but it was still immovable and solid.


By the way, my cousin keeps asking about your signature, I guess other people have asked before, but, where's it from?

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