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The Official Secret Santa Thread 2008


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just on what to get the person, is all.


i will have to suck some dick though to get the cash for this present,

thank me later.




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going to go send presentses for teh goffers now. Just a word of warning to whoever my santa is (lol) I'm not going to check my mail until like january or whatever so don't send me like homemade cookies or anything lol.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
going to go send presentses for teh goffers now. Just a word of warning to whoever my santa is (lol) I'm not going to check my mail until like january or whatever so don't send me like homemade cookies or anything lol.


*has rooks address*


*knows rook is going away till january*


*rents a truck*


*puts gloves on*


*muhahas a little*

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man, my secret santa straight up has class and i love what he got me.


currently listening to the Gilberto Ben/Gil Jorge cd and fucking loving it. this is just what i've been looking for lately. also received the Miles Davis autobiography, which i will read as soon as i finish McCarthy's Outer Dark.


honestly, thank you so much for these great gifts, they will not grow dusty on shelves. i'll probably end up lending the book out to friends when i finish it as we are all into Miles Davis hardcore. wouldn't mind knowing who sent the stuff if possible. thanks again.


i will be compiling my package this later week when things calm down.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

glad you like the presents, luke. they felt like a shot in the dark to a point 'cause I wasn't sure exactly where your tastes lie (apart from digging ambient).

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glad you like the presents, luke. they felt like a shot in the dark to a point 'cause I wasn't sure exactly where your tastes lie (apart from digging ambient).


right on, you hit the nail on the head.


actually, i don't listen to ambient all that much. lately i've been listening mostly to hip hop, jazz, bluegrass, old motown rnb/funk... of course there are amazing moments in any form of art.


what's most important to me in art/music is that it feels real and grounded, has life experience and comes from the soul... like hands sifting through the earth... the cd you gave me does just that, thanks again.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i got shit all last year. just saying.


to be fair, i got two* copies of the deep sea creatures compilation for free from fred, which more than made up for it.


*fred - yeah the other parcel turned up too at my old address, thanks for the note :)

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Guest Enter a new display name
got my gift a little while back... thanks for the vinyl and poster!


like modey, i have all the major things, just gotta dig around for some little things to throw in there...

I'm glad your gift made it to your mailbox. The poster is in bad condition, I know... But the artwork is dope, imo.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

thanks for the books, endangered betche! it was a little embarrassing down at the post office having my user name on the package instead of my real name, though!

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