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same here.


i've run out of coffee and have nothing of interest in the fridge.


Well, I've got plenty of coffee and milk so I'll survive, but my stomach is starting to eat itself.

i decided to do some groceries, went to the only shop still open. the place was in meltdown, the fridges and freezers were all broken (i guess for a while because the smell wasn't great) and they weren't selling anything from within them. so i've ordered Indonesian take-away.


I wish I had a job so I could buy take-away :(




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Guest abusivegeorge

Fish melt (Fish in breadcrumbs, with a topping of cheese and tomato salsa), Toad in the hole and chips, Cup of tea, red bull and two Ibuprofen, this will be followed up with Quality street.

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I just made myself a smoothie (one banana, a bunch of wild berries, some cinnamon, some vanilla, milk and some orange juice), then I had a bowl of müsli and now I'm having a cup of tea.

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Guest abusivegeorge

What time is it in Denmark squee? Coz that sounds like a breakfast to me, but theres only a few hours difference isnt there?

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What time is it in Denmark squee? Coz that sounds like a breakfast to me, but theres only a few hours difference isnt there?


It's 3:24 am here. I had some bananas lying around and they were getting brown, so I thought a nice and healthy smoothie would do me some good. And it did. Now my burps are cold. Feels weird.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Ah right ok, your one hour in front then!


I keep forgetting that at this time of the night, anything is acceptable to eat.

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Yeah, well unfortunately I've acquired the habit of going to bed way too late (usually around 6 am) and if I try going to bed any earlier I can't fall asleep. This also means that I don't get up earlier than 2-3 pm, so I eat lunch around 9-10 pm and therefore dinner is around 3 am.


I sicken myself.

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