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lost season 5


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Jin.... He ain't dead.





Tonight's episode feels like a real builder.

5 of the 6 are at the pier right. Sun, Jack, Kate, Sayid, Aaron. Hurley gets freed next episode? Then 2 episodes later they're back on the island?

Jin's expression was money when he met Rosseau (totally bangable too). So i guess he didn't dies in the explosion and he's been time traveling. That means the ship was inside the radius of the initial time blast. Was there anyone else on the boat from the island?


To simplify things, from now on, I propose that Jack and Kate be referred to as a singular entity (like bennifer). I propose Kack to be the name for this entity. All in favour?

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Guest assegai

I easily rate that as one of the top 5 best lost episodes. .

Sayid as per usual kicks some ass. I love how Ben is just as manipulative in on the island as he is on land. The audience doesn't even know wether to root for him or not. Kack is a little anoying with emo Jack but kate is easy on the eyes which makes it easier to swallow. Jin's expression and the first words out of his mouth were "boat" was hilarious. It was also cool how Locke knew what time they were in even without sawyer saying something, he's becoming more and more like Ben with each episode. I think this episode turned me from a casual viewer to a full blown fan.


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Guest awkwardsilence

Oh yeah, great episode.


Even though I'd heard that Rousseau's story would be coming up soon, and I'd noticed Daniel Dae Kim (Jin)'s name still being in the main cast credits this season, and we knew the O6 would hook up again eventually, it all came off as surprising.


Even better is, apart from one particular detail about the O6 later in the season, now I'm completely spoiler-free for the rest of the season. Just sitting back to take it all in.

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Guest catsonearth

i dunno guys...i thought that episode was pretty weak. i really like the overall concept of the show and i think it's an interesting story, but the way they're telling the story is just soooooooooooo painful. as with every lost season so far, they throw out some interesting stuff in the first few episodes that allow me to overlook all the lame aspects and then around ep. 4 or 5 the cool stuff starts to drag a little and i'm no longer able to ignore the shittiness. the dialog (where characters say exactly what the writers are trying to get across as opposed to them talking about something else that got the same sentiment across, but actually sounds like something a real person might say) is just too hard to swallow. "don't you want them back? don't you want her back?". wanktastic to the max.


and whaddya know? they used the time traveling as a plot device to narrowly escape danger yet again. i'm so totally shocked. let's see how many more times that happens this season because i guarantee it wont be the last.


i know a lot of you lost fanboys are going to have a bitch-fit because i'm dissing the show as usual, but i'm just telling it like i see it. i'm not trying to be a hater, it's just hard for me to comprehend how you people aren't seeing a lot of this shit. for me, the good parts of the show exist mainly in the abstract, but the show itself is mostly garbage when i look at it objectively.

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it's fun and interesting.


show me something perfect and i'll torrent the fuck out of it.


battlestar galactica

arrested development

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Guest blicero

The assploded boat wasn't in the radius, remember when sawyer and Juliette saw it vanish after they time traveled?




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Guest awkwardsilence

I read this fun little theory about how the darkened/obscured people in the other boat shooting at them, might be the double of themselves having looped around in spacetime or whatever and are somehow shootin at themselves. Someone check the amount of shots or whatever, if they are the same amount from each side.


Now, that is a headfuck.


Doubt it's true though, but it's fun to consider, and well, you never really know with Lost.



Oh, and another thing, and probably alot more truthful, is that the "whispers" heard on the island could be people passing by, travelling in time.

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I read this fun little theory about how the darkened/obscured people in the other boat shooting at them, might be the double of themselves having looped around in spacetime or whatever and are somehow shootin at themselves. Someone check the amount of shots or whatever, if they are the same amount from each side.


True, but NOW they would know that it's themselves that they're shooting at, so wouldn't they think twice before shooting the next time they're on on open waters?


It was an okay episode, but nothing mindblowing.


My favorite shot was right after the time travelled into the heavy rain and Juliet's shirt got all wet. I mean, somehow the rain made her 60% hotter than usual.

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Guest catsonearth
we see it, we just don't care.


why the fuck would you try look at a show objectively?


i don't try to look at it objectively, but i can't really help it when a show is constantly taking me out of my suspension of disbelief by revealing it's messy seams. then i can't help but take my interest out of the equation and look at it as a whole object - is that object particularly well made? not really...it's complicated, but that's not necessarily a sign of quality. is the writing believable? not really. is the action intense? not at all because nothing is ever at stake. are the characters interesting? a few are, most are pretty 1 dimensional plot devices with names. are the effects good? despite the budget, they're some of the cheapest looking on tv. is the acting good? eh...for the most part it's passable, but no one on the cast is outstanding. so what's left? all the abstract concepts that the show touches on, but ultimately isn't really about on an episode-to-episode basis. to me, that's the only thing that sets lost apart from any other lame drama on network television and it's only really there about half the time when they're not constantly cutting to closeups of ben's crazy eyes.


once i get over the tiny little subjective things about the show that i'm interested in, there isn't much left to like about it. i would probably cut them a lot more slack if it seemed like the writers and producers took active measures to improve the quality of the show, but they haven't. i don't think they believe the writing is cheesy or that they are focusing on the wrong aspects of the story, frustrating viewers who don't give a fuck about jack/kate/sawyer/juliette's back and forth. i don't think they notice that if any of these characters would just sit down for 10 minutes and have a conversation together that 99% of the pointless shit that happens on the show would never come to pass. i think they think they're totally hitting it out of the park, week after week. the only reason i feel the need to comment on it is that everyone else seems to agree, while i'm just sitting here like...are you guys serious?

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that was excellent.


i instantly recognised the hatchlight as i am sure most people did, so i saw all the rest of that bit coming... well, i knew what timeframe it was in anyway - deus ex machina might still be my favourite episode

the present day scenes rattled along. the 60 hour deadline gives an urgency to these scenes that's a nice contrast to the crazy wariowaresque timehopping shit

and the twist at the end was season 1 good! jin POW! young rousseau POW! i've been dying to see shit from when her crew landed since... well... season 1.


gotta say, the last 2 seasons were bloated in places, but this one is fuckin rattling along at breakneck pace so far.


edit: and yeah, sayid being violent ftw, and young rousseau is cute as fuck.

edit2: and i root for ben every episode.

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i disliked this episode. probably had to do with the opening scene on the ship where kate was like "jack, i am ALWAYS with you!"


such melodramatic soap opera bullshit.


then when sawyer said, "THANK YOU GOD!" then bam! storm! and he was like, "I TAKE THAT BACK!"


so fucking stupid.


and about that idea to edit lost... someone should do it so that it turns out as "the adventures of desmond." he's the only worthwhile character on there.

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I read this fun little theory about how the darkened/obscured people in the other boat shooting at them, might be the double of themselves having looped around in spacetime or whatever and are somehow shootin at themselves. Someone check the amount of shots or whatever, if they are the same amount from each side.


Now, that is a headfuck.


Doubt it's true though, but it's fun to consider, and well, you never really know with Lost.


now that's a load of booshit... the timing was totally different

the darkened figures fired over the spread of a minute, and the retaliating fire was a short burst of 5 or 6 shots


Oh, and another thing, and probably alot more truthful, is that the "whispers" heard on the island could be people passing by, travelling in time.


whilst i don't think this is exactly right, there's definitely something to it

the whispers seem to know the 815ers and the others pretty well, and seem to be able to observe but not influence events




then when sawyer said, "THANK YOU GOD!" then bam! storm! and he was like, "I TAKE THAT BACK!"


so fucking stupid.


that made me lol

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i think it might be the rip, the audio on the one i acquired was really shitty


it required me to eq it to bass -4db and treble +8db on my shitty amp and raise the volume to make it any way decent

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Guest David R James

Yet another episode that didnt really tell us anything, it was obvious it was ben who wanted to get aaron off kate so he could use him to get kate on board, the only vague suprise i had was seeing jin, but u knew when u heard french people it was gona be russo.

Would like to know who the people shooting them from the other boat when saywer and that were in the paddle boat.


This time travel thing is getting really shit, i hope it ends quite soon, but i have a feeling that john probably wont leave the island b4 the end of the season, i can almost imagine its just gona be a continuous battle to get to the orchid or something like that.

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