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The tune in this sample was playing for a while on the TV programme I recorded this from (daytime shite), but I only caught a bit by the time I'd turned on the recording function on my mp3 player.


It's a track I've heard used in tons of things, but I can't think of the title/artist, so if anyone can ID it that'd be great. It sounds kind of Daft Punk like but it's not (I don't think).


You'll have to excuse the narration running over it at time, however:


Despite the slightly blokey blandess to it.....


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Guest 277: 930-933

There's so much of this kind of music out there, often done a lot better, why would you want this specific song?

Like Mosca said, it's generic library music.

Are you a trendy couple?


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There's so much of this kind of music out there, often done a lot better, why would you want this specific song?

Like Mosca said, it's generic library music.

Are you a trendy couple?


Well after getting the track name, I ran a google search and it seems to agree with mrx that is is Daft Punk's Voyager.


As for why I want it, I happen to like it, and I've heard it a lot but never been able to ID it.


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i love DP and i love voyager.


and this track is most definately not voyager.


why would some shitty TV company go to the bother of having to shell out money for using a DP track when they can spend £50.00 on genero-electro library music?


it's quite amazing how close to the bone some adverts are these days in regards to just about being the right tune but throwing in a couple of notes and shit to say it's a new composition.

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i love DP and i love voyager.


and this track is most definately not voyager.


If you have itunes, go and run a search on Daft Punk. Track 10 on the album Discovery, is listed as Voyager and is the same as the sample I put up in the original post.


Unless most of the internet is wrong, this is Daft Punk.

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Guest Dirty Protest

the bbc pay a one off yearly fee and can pretty much play what they want anytime they want without the constraints of lesser channels. mosca you're wrong.



on a side note my planes 3 hours late so far and my billy bragg book about patriotism sucks. im having no fun. thank fuck for clever phones


the bbc pay a one off yearly fee and can pretty much play what they want anytime they want without the constraints of lesser channels. mosca you're wrong.



on a side note my planes 3 hours late so far and my billy bragg book about patriotism sucks. im having no fun. thank fuck for clever phones

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Guest Dirty Protest

the bbc pay a one off fee for copyright and can pretty much play anything they want without the constraints of lesser channels. mosca you're wrong.



on a side note, my plane is 3 hours late and my billy bragg book about patriotism sucks. I need a fag. thank fuck for clever phones

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who said it was on the BBC?


and you're right - the bbc only have to pay if its used in a DVD release.


hence the first series of monkey dust being shite.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Kristian Digby works for the BBC.




Apparently my phone isnt clever and has a weird tourettes. Fucking 10 hours to get from London to Belfast, its like National Express never went away.

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