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rephlex releases with bonus tracks

Guest JohnTqs

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Guest JohnTqs

i'm kinda curious about this. how often do rephlex releases have extra tracks on the vinyl than the cd? or more on the cd than the vinyl? this seems like something they would do a lot. so which releases are you aware of that have bonus tracks like this?

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Guest Kenneth172
Are you fucking kidding? The word "extra" applied to anything those tight-as-catgut cunts at Payphlex have released?

*thinks for a moment*

Analogue Bubblebath 3.1 has a track that (I think) is not found on the CD.

When Collapse of the Wave Functions were condensed to disc, they added a second disc of "Our Most Requested Records" of DMX Krew Hits. But it was a $20 CD so you weren't getting an "extra" of anything really.


That's all I can think of. Breadcrumbs for the cunts is the policy at Payphlex Industries


I'm sure Grant would have a thing or two to say about all this.


Remember that they are a business at the end of the day and every business uses marketing tactics to sell their wares. Adding tracks on a CD that aren't on vinyl is something that's been done by practically every record label for as long as I can remember. The problem that labels such as Rephlex have nowadays is simply staying in business. All the illegal piracy due to downloads is killing record labels. They're hardly releasing loads of stuff each month nowadays like they used to so I'm wondering where their income is coming from. Thankfully Rephlex haven't gone in the direction that Warp have and that is selling out. 90% of the stuff released on Warp I don't like. At least Rephlex have stayed true to their vision even if people such as yourself feel as though you're being ripped off. That said, some of their past releases like Lektrogirl, Bodenstandig and that 100% genuine bollocks were fucking shite! :undecided:

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Guest Kenneth172
you painted the issue into a corner by saying that success only comes from selling out like in the case of Warp.


It doesn't take a genius in Economics to work that out and I'm not condoning that Rephlex sell out in the slightest. 'Success' should not come from selling out. As far as I'm concerned Rephlex have already succeeded. The question now is, where do they go from here?


I happen to be one of those who believe there is a direct connection between file sharing and serious damage to the already small techno/electronic business. That bothered me and I resumed 100% purchase of music I like and I don't even download it beforehand to avoid the temptation to just have the mp3's and skip paying.


Thank fuck for that. Every Rephlex record I own is legit apart from AB5, I wish they'd just give it a proper release as all it's doing is encouraging piracy.


I pirated Confederation out of protest because I had had enough of Richard and Rephlex being cockfaces--Analord was great but after $160 and not even the decency to provide cardboard jackets, I started to care less about the 180 g. vinyl when it could have been pressed a bit cheaper with a few more tracks per record and no one except those fucking weird ass Greek audiophiles would be able to tell the difference. I'm not saying it's okay to steal from a business when you feel overcharged or unappreciated and it probably didn't do shit to Rephlex's bottom line anyway so it was all for naught really.


I wouldn't call them "cockfaces", bit harsh! Cardboard jackets: If you've got the binder, it doesn't make any difference, you'd end up throwing them away or something. The whole Analord series did seem like a way of getting guaranteed sales. They knew their loyal fans would cough up the cash for all the releases. It was fun though waiting for the next Analord instalment (as some are finding it waiting for Konklaver :angry: ), I have no regrets about it. Money is easily wasted on other things in life in the grand scheme of things.


Well I'll stop now Kenneth--the more I write, the more likely it is you'll take a sentence horribly out of context and cry out with butthurt of the Ages


No, thanks for the discussion. Good to have a decent discussion unlike the rest of WATMM non sequiturs.

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Guest Kenneth172
I appreciate the discussion as well, K172 and I may have called you a cunt elsewhere so please disregard that; I thought that you had been needling me too much lately but that's clearly not 100% true at this point. :beer:


Well thanks mate, there's a surprise. I'm just glad to have not been misunderstood for once. I feel 100% hated on this forum sometimes. :cry:



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Guest grinningcat

just went over to rephlex.com


love the way the 'press & publicity' link leads to a 404 error page. Just shows how much they care about press and publicity :)

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There is so much money to be made by small or struggling labels by reproducing Out-of-Print releases in digital format. Doesn't even need to have exclusive stuff, just put some fucking Vinyl Rips in FLAC, people will pay for that a lot.


We're in the 21st Century FFS. Out-Of-Print stuff should never exist anymore (not just talking to Rephlex, but every other label that limits their quantity of back-catalogue for artists)

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Guest JohnTqs
There is so much money to be made by small or struggling labels by reproducing Out-of-Print releases in digital format. Doesn't even need to have exclusive stuff, just put some fucking Vinyl Rips in FLAC, people will pay for that a lot.


We're in the 21st Century FFS. Out-Of-Print stuff should never exist anymore (not just talking to Rephlex, but every other label that limits their quantity of back-catalogue for artists)


fucking right, amen brother

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you're too trigger happy on the -real fan


Ignor the wisdom of Bixlee at your peril :excl:







I feel 100% hated on this forum sometimes. :cry:



For what it's worth Kenneth172, your ludwig avatar found you a place in my heart for eternity.


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Guest Kenneth172
For what it's worth Kenneth172, your ludwig avatar found you a place in my heart for eternity.


Why thank you LUDD, I shall cherish this friendship. Our friend Ludwig has brought us even closer together. :sick: :grin:


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