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are you 'perfectly OK'?


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Means I can behave in a manner that amuses me most depending on situation. Might be flakey, might be agro, might be empathetic, might be jovial. Its fun to role play.


i prefer to know what i'm getting with people on any given day.


as long as you know what you actually are at the end of all your roleplay fun.


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I think I'm doing alright.


I'm pretty smart, clever, talented, cute, healthy, strong, and affectionate. I just need to stop being such an asshole for the laughs, that's really my main thing.

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Guest abusivegeorge
I think I'm doing alright.


I'm pretty smart, clever, talented, cute, healthy, strong, and affectionate. I just need to stop being such an asshole for the laughs, that's really my main thing.


Fucking soccer.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Health wise I'm pretty fucked, liver cirrhosis through being an alcoholic, my entire daily routine and lifestyle revolves around keeping ymself in recovery and away from drink, aa meetings etc. Diagnosed depression but won't take anti-depressants as I personally don't think I'm that bad and they are a bitch to come down from.


Sound in terms of intelligence though, run a few internetz forums myself, car based, still wordly enough to stand on my own two feet in the street though, on and off with a girl, who is fucking hot, and I have a hot milf after me, shes 28 and fit as fuck so this is no good for my ego.


Job wise I can't have one because I have to attend group therapy/daycare everyday so I have to claim incapacity benefit.


Otherwise I'm absolutely fine and can watch tele quite comfortably.


You know what? Fuck soccer. Play fucking real football like a man and not that pansy shit where you can't use your hands.


I've rekindled my love for you.

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Yeah, I'm pretty normal.


  • Live in an apartment with my long-term girlfriend
  • Hold a steady job in graphic design with some freelance art when I have time
  • Don't drink that much (3 or 4 beers a week)
  • Eat pretty healthy/in the process of getting myself back into shape
  • No drugs
  • Get along with my family
  • Don't have as many friends as I used to but I keep up with a lot of them online


No complaints besides that I put a lot of pressure on myself and wanted to have done more with my life thus far, but I'm still young so no worries.

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Guest Mr Salads

"what just happened?"


Especially when like, the Squirrel Nut Zippers decide to reunite. No. NO!!



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I'm Ok. I've been married for over 7 years and have a young son. I have a mortgage and a college degree. I have a lot of friends, but they seem to be spread out all over the country now. I eat well, work out, and rarely drink anymore. I'm slim but probably will be bald at some point. I've been told when posting my pic that I may be the most normal looking person on watmm.


That being said, I'm a chronic underachiever, lazy, and seem odd to normal types (people not into art/music or any counterculture). I'm on too many message boards and web sites. I also live in a small town that's boring as all hell.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

hah, it's like you've all got a 'normal person' shopping list at home. i doubt you'll gain much happiness fitting into what society has told you is normal, unless you're the most average person alive, and finds nothing more invigorating than being accepted by the masses.


if i'd done that i wouldn't be listening to aphex twin, getting excited about the genius of the windowlicker video. i'd be listening to brittney and going to clubs shuffling my feet.


also, can you think of any artists, musicians or anyone creative who is 'perfectly ok'? i reckon driving tanks around cornwall and putting your brother's grave stone on one of your EPs/singles is not classified as normal by the majority.


je répète:




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hah, it's like you've all got a 'normal person' shopping list at home. i doubt you'll gain much happiness fitting into what society has told you is normal, unless you're the most average person alive, and finds nothing more invigorating than being accepted by the masses.


if i'd done that i wouldn't be listening to aphex twin, getting excited about the genius of the windowlicker video. i'd be listening to brittney and going to clubs shuffling my feet.


also, can you think of any artists, musicians or anyone creative who is 'perfectly ok'? i reckon driving tanks around cornwall and putting your brother's grave stone on one of your EPs/singles is not classified as normal by the majority.


je répète:





Idol worship is quite status quo, sir.

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i'm perfectly normal i guess. when i joined i had plenty of friends and outside interests. still do. i have kind of let my health slip over the last year, but nothing insane. just gotta start biking to school and cut back on drinking and i'll probably be much healthier and much happier.


i watmm regularly to avoid homework and chores. sometimes i watmm in class cause i can. oh and i have the girlfriend/not a virgin thing down as well.

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hah, it's like you've all got a 'normal person' shopping list at home. i doubt you'll gain much happiness fitting into what society has told you is normal, unless you're the most average person alive, and finds nothing more invigorating than being accepted by the masses.


if i'd done that i wouldn't be listening to aphex twin, getting excited about the genius of the windowlicker video. i'd be listening to brittney and going to clubs shuffling my feet.


also, can you think of any artists, musicians or anyone creative who is 'perfectly ok'? i reckon driving tanks around cornwall and putting your brother's grave stone on one of your EPs/singles is not classified as normal by the majority.


je répète:




just cause some one is "ok" doesn't mean they're an asshole. you can be perfectly ok and want to put a gravestone on your album or listen to aphex twin. i can't believe you'd hold yourself so high above people like that. jesus. well, i guess i can believe it but i cant believe you think that liking windowlicker instead of toxic is "fucked up". grow up i guess.

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not bad, my main problem right now is doing and finishing my final year work at uni, fear, anxiety and unreal tournament can be so strong! if only i had one of these*, i imagine doing work in space would be distraction less once you get over the view.



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Guest 277: 930-933

I'm a bit of both really.

So I guess that's average eh?

Here's the colour that represents me best:



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Guest inteeliguntdesign
hah, it's like you've all got a 'normal person' shopping list at home. i doubt you'll gain much happiness fitting into what society has told you is normal, unless you're the most average person alive, and finds nothing more invigorating than being accepted by the masses.


if i'd done that i wouldn't be listening to aphex twin, getting excited about the genius of the windowlicker video. i'd be listening to brittney and going to clubs shuffling my feet.


also, can you think of any artists, musicians or anyone creative who is 'perfectly ok'? i reckon driving tanks around cornwall and putting your brother's grave stone on one of your EPs/singles is not classified as normal by the majority.


je répète:




just cause some one is "ok" doesn't mean they're an asshole. you can be perfectly ok and want to put a gravestone on your album or listen to aphex twin. i can't believe you'd hold yourself so high above people like that. jesus. well, i guess i can believe it but i cant believe you think that liking windowlicker instead of toxic is "fucked up". grow up i guess.


way not to get my point. society defines what is okay, and so to approach the definition of okay you must therefore conform somewhat. this is no necessarily bad to a certain extent. it's probably a good thing we conform to the whole not killing people thing. but too greater conformity would negate greatly deviant works, and those often are the most important.

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