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going to europe

Guest aron

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so it looks like im headed to europe next month. im gonna go meet up with a friend of mine and we're gonna bum around.. first germany, then where ever the wind takes us.. i will have very little money and will probably be busking to make most of my cash - like i said, bumming around, hobo style.... so i ask my overseas watmmers, what kind of tips can you give a young canadian boy such as myself (i've been all over canada living like this, but never europe)??? anyone got a couch? know cheap places to stay? jobs/ways to make cash? anything to watch out for?? cool things to check out?? basically any information you guys can hook me up with.. i'm only buying a one-way ticket, so i might be there forever/for a long time, and plan to visit many countries. probably hit up the uk in the summer.. this is kind of a broad topic, and it might sound stupid because im young and inexperienced, but any info is much appreciated..

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germany is amazing good choice! Do you have any languages? Might be hard to get a job without that. Bring your laptop and you can idm busk. Interrail pass is the cheapest way to get around if you want to see a few countries, especially if you're eligible for a student pass.


your plan sounds kinda vague so i can't be specific but you should visit munich if you get the chance, berlin obviously is a no brainer, also i hear hamburg is great although i haven't been myself.

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i dont know any languages,, very bad french, and the girl im meeting up with knows a little itallian. im not sure how long i plan to stay in germany, but i'll check out as much of it as i can. if my plans sound vague, it's because they are. i will try to get a rail pass, as that's what most people have been saying is the easiest way to get around. basically i got a plane ticket, and no solid plans. might be stupid, but im doing the same damn thing here in canada. i been living on my friend's couch for the last 2 months.



edit: i'd love to come hang around, kaen! infact, any watmmers that want to meet up, i'd be more than happy to have a drink with some of you

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couchsurfing, a website, is very helpful (i forget the precise link)


also make sure you get a "eurail pass", this is for non-europeans and gives you unlimited train travel in the number of countries that you specify (it works out to like 80% off)

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Guest zaphod

i did something similar in the middle east last summer/fall. i'm sure europe is much easier to do this in. sorry, i just realized i have no advice.


ps. dont goto leeds


i can vouch for this.

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i'll be in victoria someday,, maybe not anytime soon, but i usually roll thru there at least once a year. i got a lot of friends going to school there. plus, the girl im meeting was living there for a while aswell. i'm sure we'll be back

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Meet up with your friend and then tell him you've decided to travel alone, then go places, meet people, have sex with hot people, drink beer, eat good food, and bring more money!


Sell your shit on ebay!


200$ will allow you to have to start working as soon as you get overseas...


Male prostitution would be adventurous....


don't ditch your friend if he has extra money!


Have motherfucking fun!

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Guest lullezucht

Plenty of money to be made busking in Amsterdam as a young Canadian boy.

You might need to stretch your definition of public performance though.

Almost everyone speaks English as well. :beer:



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btw, train fares are INSANE in the uk


they are - i got a return to Bedford the other day and it cost 3 dragons, a 1979 Austin Allegro and 8 Fish Fingers.

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Guest Chloe S
btw, train fares are INSANE in the uk


they are - i got a return to Bedford the other day and it cost 3 dragons, a 1979 Austin Allegro and 8 Fish Fingers.



8 Fish Fingers, that just takes the biscuit!!



but on the europe front, Amsterdam is like Disney Land for adults, getting a bit more expensive compared to a few years back, but still cheap compared to say UK.

Also Estonia is like the cheapest place i've ever been, its damn fucking cold, but we found a bar where it worked out that it was like 50p a pint of lager!! places to stay are crappy but cheap, food is OK and cheap, and the people are very insane, v.entertaining!!

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