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ugliest name?

Guest tht tne

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we have some ugly-ass extremely catholic girl's names in ireland. named after saints or concepts of christian purity.

it's usually older people cos no-one has any faith in the paedos here any more lol.

i think you see the same thing in the phillipines and the like.


concepta, majella, philomena, immaculata, that sort of shit.

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Guest Renivatio

The Spanish name Perla. Most girls I knew with this name were fugly. Plus it's a plain ugly name.


Trevor, Skylar, Bob, Roger, Rodrigo.


Oh, and I also think the Hispanic/Spanish surname Gutierrez is plain nasty.

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my boss is a trevor. and skylar isn't a real name it's something americans invented.

ALSO every time i click on the pen tool in shoop, i now invariably and uncontrollably think "i has a pen tool" because of you, you fucker.

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Guest Renivatio
my boss is a trevor. and skylar isn't a real name it's something americans invented.

ALSO every time i click on the pen tool in shoop, i now invariably and uncontrollably think "i has a pen tool" because of you, you fucker.



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this whole 'naming your kids after a "classy" product thing is just disturbing.

i spoke to a guy on the phone last week and his first name was nike.

jennifer government is becoming reality wtf.

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skylar isn't a real name it's something americans invented.


I have a friend that named his daughter Skyler. Sounds too much like a Buick Skylark.

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Guest abracadabra


god, yes.


I knew a guy who named his daughters (daughters) Jaguar and Sauna.


probably where he laid his eggs

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oh shit, imelda


i remember a girl with awful skin called imelda


edit: jesus wept, IMELDA, poor girl

edit2: a lot of the really bad ones seem to end in <plosive><A>. INTERESTING

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we have some ugly-ass extremely catholic girl's names in ireland. named after saints or concepts of christian purity.

it's usually older people cos no-one has any faith in the paedos here any more lol.

i think you see the same thing in the phillipines and the like.


concepta, majella, philomena, immaculata, that sort of shit.


one of my uncles have been married to a majella... i hate that woman!


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