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what's the worst injury you've ever had?

Guest chax

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every thursday night i meet up with about 15-20 people at a random location in downtown toronto to play manhunt - a regressive version of tag. the only rules are that you can't hide (stay in one spot too long) or go out of bounds. so every game involves a lot of running and ends up being very intense. i was chasing this one guy for about 15 minutes down yonge street and through apartment parking lots until we got to this long alleyway that had a fence at the end. this fence was okay and easy to climb and we both hopped it and continued the chase. the second fence a little ways away however, was a huge problem. although the guy climbed it and kept running, when i got over it my pants got caught on the top spike part and i ended up fallin ghead first into concrete. i broke my left wrist pretty bad (distal radius fracture) and totally fucked up my right knee (getting x-rays on monday). i have a gash on the side if my face as well but didn't black out or anything. i took a cab to the hospital and had to wait 5 hours to get a cast done up. they had to put me under because my wrist bone was above the other and they had to pull my hand vack to set the cast. today i'm in the worst pain ever and can't move in any direction without setting off something. i can also only sleep in 15 minute intervals. they gave me some tylenol 3s but they aren't doing anything and are actually making me feel pretty sick.


it got me thinking though, i'm pretty sure someone here has really fucked themselves up way worse than me so i thought i'd see if anyone could top this. who's the watmm accident champion?


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Guest countchocula

My right radial head(tip of arm bone) was completely destroyed in a car accident. They actually could not put it back together because the bone was turned into such tiny fragments. The doctor gave me a fake radial head made out of titanium, 2 small bolts, and one long bolt that went about halfway down my arm.

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My right radial head(tip of arm bone) was completely destroyed in a car accident. They actually could not put it back together because the bone was turned into such tiny fragments. The doctor gave me a fake radial head made out of titanium, 2 small bolts, and one long bolt that went about halfway down my arm.


that's pretty bad...was the accident your fault though?

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Guest countchocula

No, I was passenger. In fact it wasn't really the drivers fault either. The person driving parallel to us started to merge into our lane without looking. My friend swerved to avoid them hitting us and we went into a ditch.

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No, I was passenger. In fact it wasn't really the drivers fault either. The person driving parallel to us started to merge into our lane without looking. My friend swerved to avoid them hitting us and we went into a ditch.


at least you can say you're part robotic now, so there was some benefit to it

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I tore my acl and lateral meniscus really bad as a teenager (judo injury), they had to take part of my patellar ligament to replace the acl and they had to remove most of the cartilidge from my knee. I can't really run anymore and I feel like an old person every time I get up, or walk long distances.

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I dislocated my right shoulder for about 12 times in a year. Maybe the worst time was on a festival: The crowd was pushing for and backwards and at some point everyone fell to the ground, I dislocated my shoulder as i reached the ground and was buried under 3-4 others...as they started to get up some guy tried to help me, grabbed my right arm and pulled. It already hurt a lot before, but this was outstanding.


The shoulder popped back while i was trying to get out of the crowd and bumped into someone. :)

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Guest Georges Bataille

i fucked up my wrist pretty bad six years ago. i was a student at the time, on my way home after a night out. i was pretty wasted, i recall. as i arrived at my place, i noticed that i'd lost my keys. i was too drunk and tired to go all the way back to find them so i decided to climb into my window, which was on the 2nd floor. about halfway up or so, i fell, luckily though, i managed to stretch out my one arm as i hit the ground - i fell backwards, could've landed on my head.


the pain was excruciating. i was rushed to the hospital. the bone in my wrist was scattered in so many fragments they had to put in a titanium replacement:




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Guest countchocula
i fucked up my wrist pretty bad six years ago. i was a student at the time, on my way home after a night out. i was pretty wasted, i recall. as i arrived at my place, i noticed that i'd lost my keys. i was too drunk and tired to go all the way back to find them so i decided to climb into my window, which was on the 2nd floor. about halfway up or so, i fell, luckily though, i managed to stretch out my one arm as i hit the ground - i fell backwards, could've landed on my head.


the pain was excruciating. i was rushed to the hospital. the bone in my wrist was scattered in so many fragments they had to put in a titanium replacement:


Hey! High five for artificial titanium bones!

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out of all the injuries ive ever had, the one i shudder at the thought of is when i tripped over while running to junior school. i was going pretty fast and my hands simultaneously landed in dogshit and got all grazed on the pavement.


worst injury was probably breaking my foot last halloween

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Guest abusivegeorge

I've had many broken bones and various fight wounds, but like LUDD the worst must have been when I was running and tripped, I knocked out my my two front teeth and simultaneously (Cheerz LUDD) landed both my hands in stinging nettles, grazed myself to fuck.

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I remember being on a school trip at primary school when i was about 8-9? We were all at the top of this hill that was covered in piles of cow shit, we started to run down it and I had totally forgotten that the jacket of my shell suit was around my waist... it started to come loose and drop around my legs until it got to my ankles..


All i remember then is diving head first into a massive, hot, wet cow shit. 'Shit was fresh....


That fucking hurt, because the hill was fair steep.



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i remember running into the rooms where the girls were staying on that trip with a can of lynx deoderant and spraying their rooms, stuff and faces...


haha i got into a lot of trouble for that one.

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Guest Franklin

runner up - got hit by an oncoming car whilst out on a training ride: broke all my toes, torn ligaments in knees and ankles. major concussion, problems in c-spine and mid t-spine every since.


first place - not exactly an "injury" by common definitions but a surgeon performed throat surgery on me in late 2007 and nicked an artery. he didnt know and i didnt know for about a week but really there was very little tissue separating food from an artery.


anyway i ate some food and then it exploded and i lost about a grocery bag worth of blood and was barfing blood everywhere while crawling for help when my g/f got me to the hospital.


scary shit.

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I've had a fair amount of stitches. Got hit in the head with a brick once. There's a scar on the back of my head where hair doesn't grow. That's probably the worst. I've fallen into all kinds of shit, been hit in the head, body, everywhere, and I never seem to break any bones. I once had the flap of skin between the thumb and index finger cut. That hurt.


I got door'd by a Toyota while I was traveling down a hill around 25-30mph. The collision sent me off my bike, broke the derailleur, and completely took off the right pedal. I came out with only a nasty bruise on my knee.


I'm built like a tank.

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