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Flu Optimism


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Guest my usernames always really suck
Only completely unhygienic morons will die from it.

WATMM is doomed.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

its no threat at all. if this flu can kill you then normal flu could kill you too. it shouldnt even be in th news

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It's very likely that this virus has been around for ages and only now it's getting noticed among the rare cases of peope who get the flu in spring.

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i liked the flu a lot more before this insistence on analogue transmission

haven't these virii ever heard of snow crash?

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the powers that be are no doubt perfecting their next supervirus flu thingy in order to get the world population down to 500 mil (the georgia cornerstones don't lie, do they?!) as this one was a hybrid of avian flu and ye olde swine flu and even the spanish flu of 1918l it isn't deadly enough, so maybe they're tryin'ta show us that tehy mean business and let those of us with a third eye open to the real future of things know that we'd better step correct otherwise they're gonna get us by that deadline of 21 dec 2012.... =D

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fuck off. i'm being real and that's what matters.


this thing was genetically engineered. go find some sort of semi/alternative news source you trust and see if they're saying that too (keep in mind i am allowing for disinformation to permeate my little supposed counterculture websites, but generally, i dont think our ruling class likes us much in fact we're just air breathing obstacles that annoy them with our obvious inferiority... so why not send a few rounds of viruses to knock out as many of the dumbasses/not-chosen-by-god/third-eye-not-shining people as possible?!@


incidentally, i am a warrior of god and i will always be here to help. count on that =D

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Guest A/D
fuck off. i'm being real and that's what matters.


this thing was genetically engineered. go find some sort of semi/alternative news source you trust and see if they're saying that too (keep in mind i am allowing for disinformation to permeate my little supposed counterculture websites, but generally, i dont think our ruling class likes us much in fact we're just air breathing obstacles that annoy them with our obvious inferiority... so why not send a few rounds of viruses to knock out as many of the dumbasses/not-chosen-by-god/third-eye-not-shining people as possible?!@


incidentally, i am a warrior of god and i will always be here to help. count on that =D


well, without the lowest class, the highest class is less meaningful or effective. they needs us to buy our trinketzz and work on the low levels of the umbrella. it seems like it would be a dumb and useless move to send out a disease to kill off their work force/customers

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more optimism:


- because we all move about more now and intermingle, our general disease resistance is much better than it was 100 years ago

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more optimism:


- because we all move about more now and intermingle, our general disease resistance is much better than it was 100 years ago


unfortunately that's far overshadowed by the ability of things like airplanes, air conditioning, and air conditioning in airplanes to provide new and unexpected vectors in disease moving technology

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unfortunately that's far overshadowed by the ability of things like airplanes, air conditioning, and air conditioning in airplanes to provide new and unexpected vectors in disease moving technology


This thread is not about balance and looking at pros and cons

Its about optimism. Please re-consider your statement and change it into something optimistic.


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PROTIP: move to an island with no air conditioning which can only be accessed by ferry, and increase your chance of survival! also good for avoiding zombies.

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more optimism:


- most aircraft these days have HEPA filters in the air conditioning that can remove up to 99.9% of small bacteria and viruses, including flu.

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Guest maus

in other news, most reporting outlets have shifted from "swine flu sure to kill everyone within 10 seconds of reading this" to "reports seem to have been exaggerated on all accounts."


reports by who, i wonder?


and no, i don't mean WHO.


whatever. whoever predicted it would be over by wednesday wasn't far off at all.



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in other news, most reporting outlets have shifted from "swine flu sure to kill everyone within 10 seconds of reading this" to "reports seem to have been exaggerated on all accounts."


reports by who, i wonder?


and no, i don't mean WHO.


whatever. whoever predicted it would be over by wednesday wasn't far off at all.


Because at first everyone with a respiratory ailment was a swine flu suspect, and also any death by a respiratoy disease was a death by swine flu suspect that's where the exageration came from.


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Guest thanksomuch
Everyone is so worried, but I think they're just acting pigheaded and this whole pandemic is just hogwash.


i dunno man, even if it is a bunch of slop, i would be hoofing it out of Mexico.

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I read in the news today that the thing may have originated in the US.


meaning this thing has been around for some months already and nobody gave a shit until some poeple started overreacting in chain.

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Everyone is so worried, but I think they're just acting pigheaded and this whole pandemic is just hogwash.


i dunno man, even if it is a bunch of slop, i would be hoofing it out of Mexico.

i just hope we can snout out an oinkment soon

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- "Mexican officials lowered their swine flu alert level in the capital on Monday and said they will allow universities, cafes, museums and libraries to reopen this week"

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