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Chris Moss Acid

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Guest JW Modestburns

that anthropomorphic cat is pretty scary, I doubt that the album would be suitable for late night listening sessions.


Nightmares would almost certainly ensue.

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My dad lived in the same neighborhood as these guys in Arlington, TX. They used to play in the garage of a small YMCA pool behind the street they lived on, and he says they mostly covered Van Halen and other metal standards. He mostly hung out with one of the early members who dropped out...I can't remember which one, but either Tommy Bradford or Donnie Hart.


Never really got into them, but they're ok. Dimebag's death was beyond fucked up. Sadly, those are not the most wtf 80's metal covers I have glanced at, but That crudely drawn He Man-esque one with the cat head is quite awesomely bad.

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This is a picture of me after getting Pantera's autograph at an in-store signing for Far Beyond Driven at The Crow's Nest in Chicago, winter 94.

I was fuckin psyched!

I still have the autographs back at my mom's house in Illinois. I have a few Pantera picks taped to the photo.




I must have seen them live 3 times (once on the VDOP tour and twice for FBD) but haven't heard anything pre-CFH.


Great fucking band.

R.I.P. Dime.

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Dimebag Darrell was killed in my home town about five miles from where I was seeing Ministry the same night.

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