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buying a home

Fred McGriff

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so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.

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Guest fiznuthian
so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.


your life is now funny farm.


also, denver? lucky fuck. weed's legal there no?

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congrats dude. owning a home is both awesome and terrible. there's always something sucking up your money...you'll finally get that last room painted and then the hot water heater will die or whatever. just the way it works. but it's still great to own a little piece of the world so you can preside over it like the lord of the manor.


plus haha that first Denver snowstorm will pwn you and your weak ass shovel.

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so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.


your life is now funny farm.


also, denver? lucky fuck. weed's legal there no?


yeah i think so but i have to be holed up in the sketchy cave in my basement or something like that


congrats dude. owning a home is both awesome and terrible. there's always something sucking up your money...you'll finally get that last room painted and then the hot water heater will die or whatever. just the way it works. but it's still great to own a little piece of the world so you can preside over it like the lord of the manor.


plus haha that first Denver snowstorm will pwn you and your weak ass shovel.


shit son I shoveled snow for four years in south bend son


but yeah i guess all the money we spend on going out to end and being dinks is going to now go into the house's hungry belly amirite

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i'm not looking forward to investigating chicago-area housing prices next year....

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indiana lake effect snow aint shit compared to what you're going to see come january. you'll go out there with your little shovel and clear the walk and then God will reverse poop another 12 feet of snow all over the section you just finished.

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Got any photos from the real estate agent?


crap they just took the listing offline because we're gonna buy it... so i'll post some later


also keep in mind your 20k post is coming up soon


here's the worst kept secret in Denver:


you're gay


lol so r u

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i used to. now, i spend all my weekends working and doing kid shit. so the projects at home just pile up.


adult life sucks, let me tell you. the only gratification comes from pulling down my pants and rubbing my asshole against all the doorknobs. that way, when we have visitors, i feel empowered by the satisfying knowledge that they are touching the grease from my butt.

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Guest Rambo

notice how Fred doesn't mention who he is referring to when he says "we're under contract to buy our first home" ? I'll leave that to your imaginations guys.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

nice one dood. we're so so far from being ready to buy a house its painful.





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so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.


Galvanized, copper or CPVC pipe in the house? If it's galv, with a house that age, you're fucked. After about 30 years, galv starts to form pinhole leaks, eventually leading to a catastrophic breakdown, not to mention nasty tapwater. I just went though with this with my home, had to have all the trunklines (the horizontal parts of the plumbing) replaced with CPVC.



alzado do you spend all your weekends doing house shit? is my life going to be over?


Yes, especially if the house is a fixer-upper. Things will break on a regular basis, and even if they don't break, renovation urges will happen in either your wife, you, or both of you. You might as well start TiVOing HGTV 24/7 and the DIY channel right now.

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so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.


Galvanized, copper or CPVC pipe in the house? If it's galv, with a house that age, you're fucked. After about 30 years, galv starts to form pinhole leaks, eventually leading to a catastrophic breakdown, not to mention nasty tapwater. I just went though with this with my home, had to have all the trunklines (the horizontal parts of the plumbing) replaced with CPVC.


sounds about right, we're already planning on replacing the pipes... half are galv and there are some that are copper as well. doesnt sound like the end of the world though?

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so we're under contract to buy our first home. the house is one half of a duplex and it's a hundred years old a few blocks south of city park in denver. it has a sketchy IDM cave in the basement. i'm scared. homes are a lot of responsibility, i will miss the bohemian lifestyle that being a tenant affords. the inspection was yesterday and there were plenty of things that need to be fixed up but it's definitely liveable and par for the course for a hundred year old house. the location is great. a block north of plenty of bars and restaurants and coffee shops and a pretty sweet venue. mogwai is playing there next tuesday. anyway it's going to be a whole new chapter of life... gonna put lots of work into it. i'm very nervous though. it feels like a way bigger commitment than getting married.


Galvanized, copper or CPVC pipe in the house? If it's galv, with a house that age, you're fucked. After about 30 years, galv starts to form pinhole leaks, eventually leading to a catastrophic breakdown, not to mention nasty tapwater. I just went though with this with my home, had to have all the trunklines (the horizontal parts of the plumbing) replaced with CPVC.


sounds about right, we're already planning on replacing the pipes... half are galv and there are some that are copper as well. doesnt sound like the end of the world though?


As long as it passed the inspection, and the inspector was thorough enough and looked for evidence of past leaks (and no patch jobs in the area), you should be good. If it's partially copper, then if you can afford to, go full copper - copper lasts forever. Where the big expense comes in is if they have to rip out walls to get to the downspouts (the vertical pipes in your walls). This being a two-story house (basement), you'll probably have some pipes in the subfloor/ceiling that may be a pain/costly to replace as well. I've owned a home since 2001, and I'm still not done with all the renovations/repairs.


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Guest Franklin

i'm looking forward to this step maybe late this year or early next... we're still working on what will be a substantial downpayment.


i cant wait to plant my own fucking garden!

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