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wolfram alpha


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Guest abracadabra
The technology is astounding, but goddamn is that video dry. And unnecessarily long.


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pretty cool, though this is bullshit. people should have to do actual research to find these things out for themselves. it is too easy!


back in my day, we had to interpolate by hand on a slide rule... ...

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pretty cool, though this is bullshit. people should have to do actual research to find these things out for themselves. it is too easy!


back in my day, we had to interpolate by hand on a slide rule... ...


no its not.





1. i dont have time amongst art/music/life/girls/films/dancing/eating/watching/saving the world to learn how to calculate the next lunar event with a stick.


2. the old days were crappy.






be good if it had other related events and odd calculations and relations - like springfield would end up with:




the simpsons


wiki - springfield


picture results


springs & fields


and odd calculations - bart/homer to come up with some funny takes on our life. would hopefully end up with bart shagging homer up the bum funny pron gifs.



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Guest abracadabra

Average size of American male penis / Number of potatoes consumed in a year / Amount of semen collected in an Arizona sperm bank + Circumference of Betelgeuse

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Guest spike

a huge leap for mankind,, i am blown away!



although, could some information be too much?? like the international space station orbit details..

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i got in. i don't know what to ask it :/


how is babby formed?

Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input.


i got in. i don't know what to ask it :/


how did you get in?

Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input.
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Guest Babar

I've got a preview acces too(I said I was graduating in NLP and was about to release a paper about fractal semantics, which is a big lie, i'm just a wanker) and what i can say is this pretty disapointing, unless you're into economics/statistics mathematics or physics. IMO There isn't enough data to compute,

(no penis size charts)

but maybe it's just a matter of time before wolfram alpha collects data about penises from the web.



If anyone's got ideas about inputs to search for, let me know.


Oh and :

Circumference of Betelgeuse


3.5x10^9 km (kilometers)


Light travel time t in vacuum from t=x/c:

| 3 hours 14 minutes 21.28 seconds

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