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female drivers

Guest sala

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Guest ward

Right. Passed my driving test on 7th of may. There's a roundabout near my house which i use daily, and everytime i've been cut up* it has been a woman.


Today I'm driving with my friend to drop her off, going round a blind corner and a fucking stupid woman is on my side of the fucking road coming the other way, for no reason at all. Pulled hard left on the wheel but hit straight away....


Proper shaken up, my friend went to A&E to get checked up for her neck.


I climbed out the car cus my side wouldn't open and politely asked this woman.. "what the fuck were you doing!?"


She admitted straight away, to the police too.


Grrrr. Bye bye car, it was nice knowing you.


Is it a deserved stereotype guys?


*To all your Americans, when at a roundabout, you give way to traffic coming from the right. "cut up" meaning when it's my right of way and someone ignores the rules.



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heh ... i have seen many many many men driving utes doing far worse ... i think perhaps it's the demographic in your area .. and also perhaps your newness to this driving rag made you a touch cavalier .. defensive driving is the key ... i have saved myself from countless accidents by hanging back and anticipating potential hazards and defensively GIVING WAY TO THE MANIACS ... it may deflate the ego a little .. but it keeps you and your car unharmed ...



nevertheless ... and despite my seemingly moralizing tone ... sorry to hear about your car mate ... ;-/ ... fucking bastard situation ...

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Guest Synthacat 9

when I was at my friends house the girl he was pursuing at the time decided to back her car up across his lawn and all over the grass and flowers growing there. the driveway went straight back and she could easily see where the drive was if she looked in any of her mirrors or out the window. she didn't give any explanation for why she did this other than that she was trying to back up


...she was sober

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i also nearly had an head-on on friday on my birthday coming up the road to my home ... there is a bend in the road with parked cars pressing on either side .. which people consistently comming down the hill from the traffic light pass over the middle line on ... now normally i will defensively slow right down in expectation of this moronic line of zombie traffic .. but friday i was a touch ready to take my chances ... and nearly got written off by a big heavy bmw driven by my ex-boss no less ... fucking arsehole .. what a situgaetion that would have been .. knowing the guy .. there's no way he would have admitted culpability .. so i would have been in for a shitfight .. with a written off car no less ..


soe yair .. expect that there will be wankers on the road .. and act accordingly ... there is no other way ... traffic is like the tides .. or any other force of nature ... you can't change human behavior .. you just have to learn how best to roll/float with it ..

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Guest JohnTqs

i'm a pretty shitty driver and i have a penis as far as i can tell


nearly killed myself driving to the mountain last year in a semi-blizzard. fuckin ambulance goes by on the highway and i'm like "wtf should i pull over or wtf" but i just slow down and he goes by me. then later on that same ambulance is in the left lane (keep in mind up here we got 2 lane highways and i was basically alone on it) and slowing down to like 30, and i'm all like "wtf can i pass an ambulance in the right lane he doesn't have his siren on so wtf should i do", slowed down to like 35 and then an 18 wheeler comes up behind me going 70 and not slowing down, i floor it and my rpm meter thang goes up to like 6 in half a second, tires start slipping on the snowy highway, nearly had a heart attack. got the car under control tho and the powder that day was discuztin...

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Guest ward
heh ... i have seen many many many men driving utes doing far worse ... i think perhaps it's the demographic in your area .. and also perhaps your newness to this driving rag made you a touch cavalier .. defensive driving is the key ... i have saved myself from countless accidents by hanging back and anticipating potential hazards and defensively GIVING WAY TO THE MANIACS ... it may deflate the ego a little .. but it keeps you and your car unharmed ...



nevertheless ... and despite my seemingly moralizing tone ... sorry to hear about your car mate ... ;-/ ... fucking bastard situation ...


I had a female friend as passenger and I was driving very slowly, laid back, being defensive... I had even slowed down just before this corner asking her if I needed to turn off there, but it was the wrong turn so I carried on round the said blind bend. I must have only been doing 20mph cus I had slowed down again for this corner, which I know off by heart as it's close to my house. Next thing I know this woman with her mate in the car comes flying round the corner, and before my friend and I could even finish saying "what the fuck is she doing?!" we hit.


I can't believe the fucking shock your system goes through after something like this. Fucked up.


Failed to mention that, if I had been on my own, I probably would have been going a touch faster. Heh. PHEW.

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Guest thanksomuch

most americans go completely retarded at round-a-bouts... they insta;;ed a few in our down town area and i have seen more accidents there then any where else in the city.

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i'm a pretty shitty driver and i have a penis as far as i can tell


nearly killed myself driving to the mountain last year in a semi-blizzard. fuckin ambulance goes by on the highway and i'm like "wtf should i pull over or wtf" but i just slow down and he goes by me. then later on that same ambulance is in the left lane (keep in mind up here we got 2 lane highways and i was basically alone on it) and slowing down to like 30, and i'm all like "wtf can i pass an ambulance in the right lane he doesn't have his siren on so wtf should i do", slowed down to like 35 and then an 18 wheeler comes up behind me going 70 and not slowing down, i floor it and my rpm meter thang goes up to like 6 in half a second, tires start slipping on the snowy highway, nearly had a heart attack. got the car under control tho and the powder that day was discuztin...


18 wheelers never slow. They are the shittiest drivers ever. Completely reckless.


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Guest ward
i'm a pretty shitty driver and i have a penis as far as i can tell


nearly killed myself driving to the mountain last year in a semi-blizzard. fuckin ambulance goes by on the highway and i'm like "wtf should i pull over or wtf" but i just slow down and he goes by me. then later on that same ambulance is in the left lane (keep in mind up here we got 2 lane highways and i was basically alone on it) and slowing down to like 30, and i'm all like "wtf can i pass an ambulance in the right lane he doesn't have his siren on so wtf should i do", slowed down to like 35 and then an 18 wheeler comes up behind me going 70 and not slowing down, i floor it and my rpm meter thang goes up to like 6 in half a second, tires start slipping on the snowy highway, nearly had a heart attack. got the car under control tho and the powder that day was discuztin...


18 wheelers never slow. They are the shittiest drivers ever. Completely reckless.



kinda wishing beneboi wasn't banned now so i could read his response to this

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Guest Adjective

it's probably because they drive so much and have encountered so many female or asian drivers that they hate everyone on the road now


18 wheeler people i mean

they are also all serial killers because women drive badly

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what i want to know is why asian drivers seem to suck in the US but rock in asia. Is it all part of some sinister plot to offload their bad drivers to the US, like criminals were sent from England to Australia and Cuba to the US?

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Naw, Asian drivers suck in Asia too.

They just go faster in Asia.


Also traffic circle. And in America you yield to traffic coming from your left, as they drive on the opposite side of the road. That fucked me up the first day I drove in England.

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It's just harder to notice that they suck in Asia, cause there are so goddamn many of them.

How right is this: anybody, their first taxi ride in Asia, will be scared shitless.




Oh by the way, for the others, Japan doesn't count as part of Asia.


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Guest melotronic




once i saw a woman driver fucking crash her car badcore, it did a cool flip mid-air and all. i helped her out of it - severe shock, but miraculously no damage to her body... car was fuckoed tho. heavy

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Guest ezkerraldean
il tell you what is a deserved stereotype, all pikeys being complete wankers.



i hate it when people try to defend pikeys. they've blatantly never met one.

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I think that female drivers tend to be more careful which makes the opposite sex frustrated. They're not bad drivers just more careful.


Oh btw, I was hit by a driver about a week ago. The driver was female. I was crossing the road at the pedestrian crossing and a car was coming my way. But as every person in the whole world knows, I've got the right to continue walking and so I did. Turned out she didn't plan on stopping so she kept driving and I had to jump for my life.

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you have a nice way of contradicting yourself.



i was once stopped at a stoplight and looked over at the car next to mine and the girl in the passenger seat was giving the black gangster guy who was driving a blow-job. He looked over at me and winked.


It's a good thing she wasn't driving.

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Guest Yegg

I don't drive but my mom does and she's an excellent driver.


Insurance rates are lower for women for a reason, men are more likely to get into accidents, so f u.

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Guest Adjective
I don't drive but my mom does and she's an excellent driver.


Insurance rates are lower for women for a reason, men are more likely to get into accidents, so f u.

there are horrible drivers on both sides

i think women are less likely to annihilate a car but i more often see women driving annoyingly (what the fuck?) men driving aggressively (vrroom! crash)

as ridiculous and made up as these examples sound, i see and steer clear of them daily:

-putting on makeup while driving, as in looking in a mirror while driving or "guess drifting" (on the phone optional)

-on a cellphone, while smoking or eating and driving. that's hard

-no turn signals, or my favorite is turn signal after the turn is completed

-one of my tickets was from a woman slamming her brakes and stopping in a intersection which made the yellow light i was running turn red, we both got tickets

-drunk bitch fuck whore next door xanaxing into every car in our parking lot, every day

-"i don't let adj over because i don't have time for peripheral vision"


with guys it's usually stuff like (also daily)

-adj drives a small car, i want to intimidate him and drive close with my giant truck

-floor the pedal to get around someone so they can turn into that gas station faster and less comfortably

-"i don't let adj over because you should thought about that 2 miles back"



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Guest theSun

i drive pretty aggressively at times. since my morning commute is during rush hour, the roads are pretty clogged. i have not gotten a ticket or been in an accident (I hit a dumb fuck deer and a guy hit me softly once though), but i love to shoot gaps and play with other cars while i drive. not in an overly aggressive way, but just to have some fun. i spend at least 90 minutes in the car every day so i can't just drive all boring.

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Guest Adjective

i think i've done pretty well


i've gotten 3 tickets

running a yellow that the officer said was red

running a red (as mentioned earlier)

going 27 in a 20 mph zone


no accidents



my brother on the other hand totalled his new car on week 2 going the wrong way under an overpass

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