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Is there any reason why there's a bunch of dead space above the search area and the header? (Chrome 2.0).


Looks like MS still can't code compliant CSS/XHTML...

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Is there any reason why there's a bunch of dead space above the search area and the header? (Chrome 2.0).


Looks like MS still can't code compliant CSS/XHTML...




ps: google doesn't validate either ;p

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Is there any reason why there's a bunch of dead space above the search area and the header? (Chrome 2.0).


Looks like MS still can't code compliant CSS/XHTML...




ps: google doesn't validate either ;p


Nevermind, they center-aligned (vertically) the search area. Bad design choice for those with really large monitors or run their browsers maximized, I think.


Good compliant websites aren't about validation (although that's a nice pipe dream in some cases), but rather about a consistent as possible experience across major browsers, I think.

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Is it bad that the first thing i searched for was goatse?

And joyrex..when the hell has microsoft ever been consistent?

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Is it bad that the first thing i searched for was goatse?

And joyrex..when the hell has microsoft ever been consistent?


Well, they're consistently bad, I guess :laughing:


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so why is/will it be better than google?


It won't. End of story.


Also, LOL at MS for naming it "bing", after the Windows alert noise. FAIL


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i rate a search engine by typing in my name (my real name) and seeing where my myspace page comes up. google usually places it in the top 5, bing didn't therefore it's shit.

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so why is/will it be better than google?





modifiers are your friend in google


(i'm sure you knew this CM, but maybe not everybody does..)


so NSFW search results


yeah, but google doesn't preview the videos when you mouse over them..


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yeah I know..not yet. I'm sure they will soon though lol...


bing doesn't just preview but also plays the vids in itself ... heh .. i wonder if this was a sneak attack advertising point to drive the trendsetters to their playground .. 'oh looky ;.. we got porn ... no (g)strings attached bootay !!' ..

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yeah I know..not yet. I'm sure they will soon though lol...


bing doesn't just preview but also plays the vids in itself ... heh .. i wonder if this was a sneak attack advertising point to drive the trendsetters to their playground .. 'oh looky ;.. we got porn ... no (g)strings attached bootay !!' ..

Yeah but lots of sites do that already..slutload.com off the top of my head (NSFW obviously...lol)

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yeah I know..not yet. I'm sure they will soon though lol...


bing doesn't just preview but also plays the vids in itself ... heh .. i wonder if this was a sneak attack advertising point to drive the trendsetters to their playground .. 'oh looky ;.. we got porn ... no (g)strings attached bootay !!' ..

Yeah but lots of sites do that already..slutload.com off the top of my head (NSFW obviously...lol)


yeah but it kinda feels more sanitary not doing it from a place called slutload .. yaknow ... not that microsoft products can claim to be vd(/l) free .. but yaknow ... heh ;-]

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