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Pizza Afficianados: Build Your Own DIY Pizza Oven


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with that much extra thermal mass in your oven, it will probably cost 2 - 3 times as much in electricity per pizza, so throw the 14 usd number out the window

quoted for thermophysical truth

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how about you just build one in the back yard ... makes nice bread too ..

Since the most important source of heat is from the sun, the ratio of glazing to thermal mass is an important factor to consider.

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with that much extra thermal mass in your oven, it will probably cost 2 - 3 times as much in electricity per pizza, so throw the 14 usd number out the window


I was thinking the same thing, although the article claims the results are better, so perhaps it's worth it?


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I've operated MUCH cooler homemade pizza ovens than that and let me tell you, the results are fucking phenomenal. Still best pizza I've ever had is the stuff I made in that oven.

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