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James Cameron's Avatar


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not my problem you suck james camerons dick.


your right it isn't your problem,


what is your problem is the stick up your ass. It might hurt at first, but it's best if you just yank that fucker out as quickly as you can. I promise you'll feel a lot better once its all over with

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note: if you don't feel great after this, then depending on the type of tree the stick came from you could have remnants of itty bitty pieces of bark/wood still up in your asshole which can be very discomforting. You might need to go see a specialist if this is the case.

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I really don't understand what your getting at?


I'm getting at something that everyone who has hated on this film doesn't get. Your judging a James Cameron film by a trailer. James Cameron film's are cliche and his plots/stories are generic. There is no arguing that. What makes his films special is how he tells the stories... A trailer will never be able to capture that quality. So by calling this film absolute shit before you see anything more then a "Fox Studio" trailer of quick cuts and cliche one liners... to me that says you are one pissy human being who obviously just wants to hate on something without giving it a chance. Unless you don't like previous Cameron films, I really don't understand why this film would not at least look somewhat interesting.


Watch the Terminator 2 Theatrical Trailer




Now if you haven't seen Terminator movies, wouldn't this trailer make you think this movie was pretty fucking generic/cliche?

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I never said avatar was shit I just said it looks stupid. which it does look stupid. the actual avatars look stupid.


shit, stupid, your arguing over semantics now, my point is that on the surface Cameron films do look stupid/generic. I'll be surprised if many of you guys don't change your minds about the Na'Vi after you have seen the whole movie.


I honestly thought the Prawns in District 9 looked pretty lame/generic but after the film I did a complete 180.


besides, ridley scott is better then james cameron.


I disagree, maybe back in the 80's... but Body of Lies, American Gangsta, A Good Year, and even Kingdom of Heaven all pretty much sucked.




Cameron has a far better track record.

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I can't believe everything in this is fake. There is one part where the Thantor loses his realism when he's diggin at Jake under the tree, but everything in the environment and the water and the fucking clothing, facial animations, holy fuck... This looked infinitely cooler then anything I saw in the new Star wars movies.

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