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Interesting new drug

Guest Coalbucket PI

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I've tried out this stuff a couple of times and it pretty good. Drugs are really hard to describe of course but it falls somewhere between coke and mdma. The effects feel a lot more like mdma really but its very mellow and subtle and it only lasts for an hour or so. Makes me a bit chatty but feel in control, fast heartbeat sometimes. No real bad effects or hangover at all, didn't struggle to get to sleep afterwards either. You can buy it legally at the moment from a few websites for about £10-£15 per gram. There doesn't seem to be any real info about it apart from experiences. I've only done it while sitting around and drinking and its nice, I think it would get you going if you wanted to dance though, hopefully try it out at Glade I think.


Has anyone else tried this?


some links



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done it twice before, but with other substances. sorted me out from one afterparty to another one in the evening, kept me all chatty, was quite nice.


did it on new years eve with a lot of other stuff and was delirious for the 1st time ever, maybe something to do with not listening to people when it comes to mixing alcohol with your drain cleaner.. not sure how the mephedrone factored into it (not much probably) doh



oh, and +1 for ibogaine! shame its so expensive.. we went through a phase of good brain drugs when i could get my hands on them - theres another one i really liked. ill try remember what it was called:]



edit* the one hoffman took every day, what was it?


edit2* hydergine! amazing stuff - helps repair cognitive damage and keep your brain healthy :thumbsup:

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i've had some experience with the meph.

it's not interesting at all imho.

if you snort, the effect is quicker but also calms down completely after an hour or so.

if you eat it (in drink) the effect is late but stronger in effect.

it depends on dosage though.


what i don't like about meph is the smell and the fact that it builds tolerance very, very quick - which can lead to abuse and inproper, higher dosages. in effect it still throws your jaws around but nevertheless it's a nice high feeling.


4-methoxy-Amphetamine or E.T. is much better, but still nothing beats pure MDMA.

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i really like viagra - doesnt 'fuck you up', but creates a really nice feeling, and good if youre with a partner. connection & sobriety & the obvious horn for each other is great. smiles all weekend @ BLOC this year.

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Guest 277: 930-933

I really like how that neoganics site provides no information whatsoever about what's in the pills they sell.

They will likely have a very bright future in selling ''mood enhancers'' and ''relaxants'' and I don't hope the place they do their business burns down and they die in the fire.


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