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WTF am i going to do?

Chris Moss Acid

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Guest Adjective

dude you nailed that shit! i love all of those shows immensely but i've never seen 'band of brothers'


Larry Sanders show is imo probably the most influential modern television show for both British and American TV. the Office and Curb your enthusiasum would not exsist had it not been for the ground work laid by Larry Sanders.


Its also probably my favorite television show of all time. the dynamic between Larry and Hank is fucking awesome, its like a back and forth codependent married couple.


here is a clip -



i posted that on watmm a few minutes ago:

yeah dogs will raid you fridge, not honest at all.


plus they hang out with homeless people

i saw this video and had to post it on watmm:


Larry Sanders Show is on Crackle.com, lots of episodes


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Green Wing (funniest show ever, this will get you laughing guaranteed)


Oh dear.


Just watched the last episode of season six of Curb Your Enthusiasm - the final 2 minutes nearly killed me, absolute magic!



LD is a fucking pimp. Only pimps fuck wit her like dat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the whole series seems to be on youtube also

it was all on youtube by the way. i watched the last few episodes, then watched it up to episode 46 (network dispute, in which he makes insincere apologies to the network) and then it was removed from youtube a few days ago. so today i watch david letterman on TV, because it was a bit like watching Larry Sanders. in this episode David insincerely apologised (by retelling the jokes haha lol) to Sarah Palin for jokes she was offended by, it took a very long time, and he kept saying "joke about raping a 14 year old girl" over and over. there was Stupid Human Tricks (a banker who impersonated a chainsaw by blowing raspberries on his arm and a man who twirled up spaghetti with a fork stuck in his nose and fed it to his wife), Kathy Griffin, Steve Nash, and Sonic Youth looking very old. it was amazing.

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what even comes close to the wire? i need somethign which will replace my nightly 'hbo' series, if that what you can call it.


here's what comes close: leaving your house going out stumbling into a girl worthy of your penile instrusion and then spending many evenings investing in her infinitesimal world of bullshit just so you can be thought of as "one of those guys who cares" all the way to the wonderland known as the land of the nightly wet worm.

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Guest Dirty Protest

what about 'the sheild' ive only heard of it, but have no idea what its about?



24? but its said to have huge plot holes?



i dunno


The dude that plays the Thing is the main charater in The Shield and he pretty much deals with crime in the same way. Some Mexicans or Blacks deal drugs and its clobberin time. Its nowhere near the Wire, but strangely compelling in an utter nonsense kind of way.

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i havent posted in here yet, but here are some things, most of which you may not enjoy but, they are things i like . They would most likely fill your void very well. They are all serial type tv shows:

Gossip Girl (girly show but fun for girls and guys. full of hot guys and girls, may help you out with relationships as it offers perspectives from both sides. it is a teen drama but not family friendly at all)

Six Feet Under (about a family that lives in a funeral home by alan ball [wrote american beauty]). best ever!


True Blood (about vampires in new Orleans, incredibly addictive and action/drama packed by alan ball as well)


24 (kinda blah but def. addictive)


Curb your enthusiasm (niche, but rewarding, cant think of how to describe it)

Veronica Mars (girly, but fun)

The Office (lol, after lol, imo)


The L Word (about lesbians living in LA, addictive, first couple seasons very well written, tapers off the last couple seasons, very funny, could be described as soft core girl on girl porn in some episodes, a lot of good music is featured, did i mention addictive and hilarious?

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here's what comes close: leaving your house going out stumbling into a girl worthy of your penile instrusion and then spending many evenings investing in her infinitesimal world of bullshit just so you can be thought of as "one of those guys who cares" all the way to the wonderland known as the land of the nightly wet worm.



i have a girlfriend. shes into prison break and i saw some of season 2 and i thought it was too funny to take seriosuly. lol.

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  • 1 month later...

sopranos, seriously. it finished incredibly strong; some of the best writing on a television show was in that last season. unlike the wire, i actually go back and watch episodes of the sopranos. the writing is stronger, the show is simply more entertaining and relatable than the wire ever was.



sopranos is absolute genius at work


i would use the word masterpiece when describing it


and the 6th season is fantastic, mainly if you've watched the first five leading up to it


it's mindblowing, really. i lost it all the way through the 6th season.


if you've never taken the dive, you are lucky. you've got days of entertainment ahead of you


I've been going through the Sopranos, currently finishing up Season 4, and I have to agree it's superior to the Wire, if you take into account some inexplicably lame patches. I was skeptical but it's an amazing show. Zaphod's right, the writing is top notch, but the acting is quite amazing too, particularly Tony and Carmela.

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Guest Dirty Protest

I take back my last post about the Shield, I made it after watching series 4. Series 5,6 and 7 are fucking brilliant.

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i just finished the last episode of season 7 last night, it was brilliant. i used to find vic mackey's character tiresome but think he's one of tv's great anti-heros.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished the Sopranos last night. Some of you guys were praising the 6th season's writing but I thought it was pretty wack overall. I felt season 4 was the last solid season, with seasons 5 and particularly 6 not quite sustaining the spirit of the show. One thing's clear to me, David Chase really is the brains behind the show. I was checking to see who wrote each episode and the episodes he wrote or co-wrote were noticeably better than the others. I'd have to say he also creates some of the most realistic dream sequences I've seen put to film - not just "David Lynch wacky", but really close to the real thing.


I'm at a loss as to why he'd say Tony doesn't get whacked in the end, I thought it seemed pretty clear that was what was being implied? Anyway, good series and I would say it beats the Wire on the strength of the first four seasons, but it doesn't end as strongly as the Wire did.

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Try Twin Peaks (though beware, the episodes get more chaotic as the show goes on.. but the last one is worth the wait. plus, alternate directors were used during the final shows which makes it interesting)



and.. Oz. That was a good show.

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i havent posted in here yet, but here are some things, most of which you may not enjoy but, they are things i like . They would most likely fill your void very well. They are all serial type tv shows:

Gossip Girl (girly show but fun for girls and guys. full of hot guys and girls, may help you out with relationships as it offers perspectives from both sides. it is a teen drama but not family friendly at all)

Six Feet Under (about a family that lives in a funeral home by alan ball [wrote american beauty]). best ever!


True Blood (about vampires in new Orleans, incredibly addictive and action/drama packed by alan ball as well)


24 (kinda blah but def. addictive)


Curb your enthusiasm (niche, but rewarding, cant think of how to describe it)

Veronica Mars (girly, but fun)

The Office (lol, after lol, imo)


The L Word (about lesbians living in LA, addictive, first couple seasons very well written, tapers off the last couple seasons, very funny, could be described as soft core girl on girl porn in some episodes, a lot of good music is featured, did i mention addictive and hilarious?




- kemono no souja erin

- bakemonogatari

- basquash

- tokyo mangnitude 8.0

- michiko to hatchin

- shangri-la

- gintama (still killing)

- canaan

- future boy conan

- chi's new address

- BBC.The.Private.Life.of.a.Masterpiece (so much to this series)

- BBC.The.Incredible.Human.Journey

- BBC Around the World in 80 Gardens

- genius party beyond

- BBC.The.Pre.Raphaelites

- BBC.Medieval.Lives

- BBC.Future.of.Food

- BBC.South.Pacific

- BBC's Seven Ages of Rock


hrmm and that's just to get you started .. fucking watching brain limited US genre soaps .. good god no ... why when there's an higher calling ... art ..

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