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Guest assegai

while i dont think it looks retarded i was surprised by how similar in theme this movie is to District 9. It makes me wonder if this was another one of the movie studios competing movie themes kind of thing like Armageddon VS Deep impact.


By looks I mean literally, like visually. I get a "Disney presents Lord of the Rings" vibe.

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I'm just gonna make a guess here, and say that Sigourney Weaver will be the voice of the alien girl, hence no shots of her in the trailer.


Regardless of CGI and plot points, I am so going to go watch this stoned in 3D.

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Guest mafted

The aliens won't become believable in a trailer. You fucking guys who are already calling this a flop are pretty fucking stupid. This movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long... you just saw less then what?... 2 minutes...


The CG is the best CG to date... and whether you like the style is one thing, but I personally welcome a universe unlike anything before. Sure they could have made the aliens have the dark, realistic tone, but that would completely go against the story James Cameron is trying to tell.


What the fuck do you know about it? Shut up dude.


I've been following this movie for awhile... and the treatment for this is readily available. Also between interviews and articles written about this, you can basically put everything together which is, this will be the most visually stunning 3D experience you have yet to experience.


Dude. Shut the fuck up.


He's not really exaggerating. If you read up on it you'll see Cameron basically invented a new style of filming 3d.. it's a much more detailed version of the regular stereoscopic idea. Some of the film execs who saw the 15 minute clip said they actually wanted to return to the alien planet,whatever it was called, bc it seemed so real. It is obviously something new and not seen before. I haven't seen any of these new gimmicky 3d movies put out but this almost looks like something else.

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Guest Mr Salads

The aliens won't become believable in a trailer. You fucking guys who are already calling this a flop are pretty fucking stupid. This movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long... you just saw less then what?... 2 minutes...


The CG is the best CG to date... and whether you like the style is one thing, but I personally welcome a universe unlike anything before. Sure they could have made the aliens have the dark, realistic tone, but that would completely go against the story James Cameron is trying to tell.


What the fuck do you know about it? Shut up dude.


I've been following this movie for awhile... and the treatment for this is readily available. Also between interviews and articles written about this, you can basically put everything together which is, this will be the most visually stunning 3D experience you have yet to experience.


Dude. Shut the fuck up.


He's not really exaggerating. If you read up on it you'll see Cameron basically invented a new style of filming 3d.. it's a much more detailed version of the regular stereoscopic idea. Some of the film execs who saw the 15 minute clip said they actually wanted to return to the alien planet,whatever it was called, bc it seemed so real. It is obviously something new and not seen before. I haven't seen any of these new gimmicky 3d movies put out but this almost looks like something else.


Let me break it down for you.


The technology has been developed so they can film and see "in real time" roughly what it will look like on screen. That makes setting up shots much easier and actors can actually see how it will look. They dont have to wait months before they can see the planet of Navi or whatever the fuck it is on the green screen that's behind them. This has made filming a lot easier. How does this impact our viewing experience? From the trailer you can see clearly that it doesn't in any way, whatsoever.


True - the 3d may be more immersive. That is due to technique though. It's on Cameron to make it more immersive by determining how shots are set up. Lots of 3d movies suck at it because they take into consideration 3d later, not at the very beginning.


The reason you saw the film execs wanted to "return to the alien planet" was because they have a job to do and that job is called publicity.

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He's not really exaggerating. If you read up on it you'll see Cameron basically invented a new style of filming 3d.. it's a much more detailed version of the regular stereoscopic idea. Some of the film execs who saw the 15 minute clip said they actually wanted to return to the alien planet,whatever it was called, bc it seemed so real. It is obviously something new and not seen before. I haven't seen any of these new gimmicky 3d movies put out but this almost looks like something else.



well there's that ..and there's movie hype .. plus film execs aren't ness thje best people to ask about 'cool' .. or not .. and you can judge a film somewhat based apon a trailer (although i never watch trailers cause i don't wanna spoil a film i will see by getting a handle on what it is and getting to grips with the key rungs in the plot ... ) .. because after years of filmic experiences you don't come into a trailer a newborn cinema goer .. if you couldn't plot out something you'd have to be pretty simple ..


still though .. i'm not in the diss or no diss this film camp .. i'm in the don't give a fuck until i see it and judge for myself camp ...

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Guest mafted

The aliens won't become believable in a trailer. You fucking guys who are already calling this a flop are pretty fucking stupid. This movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long... you just saw less then what?... 2 minutes...


The CG is the best CG to date... and whether you like the style is one thing, but I personally welcome a universe unlike anything before. Sure they could have made the aliens have the dark, realistic tone, but that would completely go against the story James Cameron is trying to tell.


What the fuck do you know about it? Shut up dude.


I've been following this movie for awhile... and the treatment for this is readily available. Also between interviews and articles written about this, you can basically put everything together which is, this will be the most visually stunning 3D experience you have yet to experience.


Dude. Shut the fuck up.


He's not really exaggerating. If you read up on it you'll see Cameron basically invented a new style of filming 3d.. it's a much more detailed version of the regular stereoscopic idea. Some of the film execs who saw the 15 minute clip said they actually wanted to return to the alien planet,whatever it was called, bc it seemed so real. It is obviously something new and not seen before. I haven't seen any of these new gimmicky 3d movies put out but this almost looks like something else.


Let me break it down for you.


The technology has been developed so they can film and see "in real time" roughly what it will look like on screen. That makes setting up shots much easier and actors can actually see how it will look. They dont have to wait months before they can see the planet of Navi or whatever the fuck it is on the green screen that's behind them. This has made filming a lot easier. How does this impact our viewing experience? From the trailer you can see clearly that it doesn't in any way, whatsoever.




You can't base this movie off of the trailer.. not that you really can with any of them. It was explained that a lot of it is seen from the eyes of one of the aliens, or the human's 'avatar'. None of that was in the trailer.. it was like a cut scene from a game where you see the overall world. It's supposed to be seen in 3d .. can you imagine seeing that world in really detailed 3d? It sounds nice.

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you know its the same shit with video games today....there is a parallel with movies and vg therefore profit is the most important thing so movie producer always play it safe and never really create ''out when its done'' projects


i mean today you could literally create a videogames that uses gimmicks to make you think its the real shit


sorry bout the esses

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it doesn't look terrible it just looks aimed squarely at a 13 yr. old boy demographic, and seems like it will be handicapped by the uncanny valley effect as were the star wars prequels.


Exactly, I understand that the crux of the story lays in our ability to empathize with the aliens but it seems like they could have come up with a more alien looking alien. These just look like saturday morning kids show type designs.


this. the action looks cool i guess but the aliens look fuckin dumb.

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does anyone think they may have been inspired by final fantasy 10?




or am i just seeing things? i guess the avatar aliens don't have horns, but the whole tribal blue cat thing is pretty uncanny.

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Guest zaphod

i almost, almost want to totally get behind avatar because of all the uber internet hate that's going to come its way. but then those aliens are so gay looking. so gay.

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Guest zaphod

avatar looks FUCKING HORRIBLE ... the cgi is as bad as 'beowulf,' and the story/acting looks like ultra-cheese


dude you can't tell shit about the acting, there's one spoken line in the whole trailer. i agree that the story sounds incredibly generic, but whatever. and this looks better than beowulf.

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Wasn't this supposed to be based on that cartoon about the kid with powers? I'm confused wtf is this about, aliens in love? meh... I hope this flops so bad that mr. cameron finally gets what he deserves for making that titanic turd.

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Guest zaphod

i thought beowulf sucked, although the dragon was probably the best dragon in a film. besides the dragons in d war.







d war

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Wasn't this supposed to be based on that cartoon about the kid with powers? I'm confused wtf is this about, aliens in love? meh... I hope this flops so bad that mr. cameron finally gets what he deserves for making that titanic turd.


avatar: the last airbender is the kids show that is being made to a movie by shamaladingdong. it's called the last airbender for obvious reasons. james cameron's avatar is something he's been working on for over a decade and now the technology was available to make it. does that unconfuse you?


the nerd rage here and the rest of the internet about this is hilarious. evereything from the fucking font to the acting is getting criticized. big lol. i wonder how this trailer would have been recieved without the internet.

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