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Guest iamabe

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Guest iamabe

Has anyone played this awesome wiiware game? for $15 you get what's basically the Incredible Machine for the Portal generation. really really challenging and also funny. you build these towers and bridges out of little balls that make elastic bonds and try to reach a pipe at the end of the level that sucks up the balls you didnt use. so you get rewarded on your efficiency. basically if you are an engineer or architect you can't resist.


(this guy makes it look easy)



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I've got a really old version of this called Tower of Goo, I have enough fun just building endless towers with it until I realise I should be doing something more worthwhile with my time.....

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i'm amused so far after chapter one.



I love this game, and they add new twists in every couple of levels to keep it really quirky and interesting.


Considering its $15 and was made by 2 guys, its fucking phenomenal. I would recommend anyone interested in the video to play the game, its not challenging to the point where you bang your head on the table, but its tricky enough to not just let you breeze through.

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Guest iamabe

when portal came out, someone told me that small independent games were the future, and i didnt really buy it back then even though I liked portal. but now that ive played portal, braid, world of goo, etc.. i think i tend to enjoy those short and sweet games much more than huge rpgs now. less boring content to get to the good content.


by the way, braid is one of the greatest games to come out in a really long time.

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Guest iamabe

by the way, braid is one of the greatest games to come out in a really long time.






shit replay value though IMO


mm, yeah, sort of. but i keep introducing it to friends and stuff, and the speed runs are kind of fun to try.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

are there unlimited levels and user created levels? im trying to decide whether buying this or boom blox 2



boom blox is the shit

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Deep Fried Everything

braid is wicked good, if a little addicting.


i'm tempted to ask how many worlds there are in the game, but really i want to find out for myself :sorcerer::shuriken:

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Bloom box is fucking majestic, but I hurt my arm so much playing it. You have to keep the button pressed all the time to manoeuver, and it hurt so much after a couple of hours playing it. Wish the physics were a little bit more realistic, but once you accept that it's like an alternate universe, you're in for a ride!

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Bloom box is fucking majestic, but I hurt my arm so much playing it. You have to keep the button pressed all the time to manoeuver, and it hurt so much after a couple of hours playing it. Wish the physics were a little bit more realistic, but once you accept that it's like an alternate universe, you're in for a ride!


second that. boom blox is so good and it will fucking break your arm too. :D


world of goo is awesome too but like someone already said it has not much replay value.

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