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Guest abusivegeorge



That bares no resemblence to mu ziq


Pics of George abusing Joyrex's faux British e-peen with his mouth or GTFO.


Do I really have to? I mean he'll instaban me for that I'm sure.

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Guest placidburp

I don't see why I would be banned anyway really. All I did was share a couple of screen shots with my friend that I thought were funny, especially as one was posted by a mod, clearly stating "if anyone is found to mention, post screenshots or even refer to this forum outside of it, they will be banned, no exceptions."


I didn't force George to say anything about it, and as it's all long gone then what does any of this matter? No need to be so defensive of a thing that doesn't exist any more. George was fibbing.


Fact is, LTM forum did exist, now it's gone.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I don't see why I would be banned anyway really. All I did was share a couple of screen shots with my friend that I thought were funny, especially as one was posted by a mod, clearly stating "if anyone is found to mention, post screenshots or even refer to this forum outside of it, they will be banned, no exceptions."


I didn't force George to say anything about it, and as it's all long gone then what does any of this matter? No need to be so defensive of a thing that doesn't exist any more. George was fibbing.


Fact is, LTM forum did exist, now it's gone.


This 100%.




And yeah it was pretty funny lol.

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Joyrex, placidburp has already owned up, he got two on the same day and he sent them to me, thats where I got them from. These LTM mmbers who've been sending me stuff I made up, as I have already said, to try and wind you up. It is merely a joke on my behalf, as to be fair it's very easy to this, as you have just proved by threatening an emposed ban on me for trying to wind you up which you claim you aren't, yet you threaten this?


Now there you go, thats the honest truth about the whole fiasco which you've gotten awfully serious about.


Thankyou Mickey, I love you mate


OK, finally you own up to your bullshit. Sorry I had to put the screws to get you to do that, but there you go. Nobody's getting banned over this, and honestly, I wouldn't have banned you - it was just leverage to get you to own up and admit this was all a fiasco, so we can FINALLY drop this whole "There's a secret LTM forum" bullshit which some people think will cause the forums to implode if it existed.


Starting a thread like this (looking at you, 42Orange) does nothing but get people in a tizzy over a non-issue, and then puts me in the unenviable position of having to convince everyone that there really isn't a LTM forum anymore. Knobheads like Abusivegeorge fan the flames with their attempts at "humour" by trying to wind me up with false claims that support the rumour, furthering the shitstorm.




So, wait - you're saying that these people who are claiming to have provided you with LTM screenshots are lying to me?



I thought the forum was nonexistant?


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I don't see why I would be banned anyway really. All I did was share a couple of screen shots with my friend that I thought were funny, especially as one was posted by a mod, clearly stating "if anyone is found to mention, post screenshots or even refer to this forum outside of it, they will be banned, no exceptions."


I didn't force George to say anything about it, and as it's all long gone then what does any of this matter? No need to be so defensive of a thing that doesn't exist any more. George was fibbing.


Fact is, LTM forum did exist, now it's gone.


when was it taken down?

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I don't see why I would be banned anyway really. All I did was share a couple of screen shots with my friend that I thought were funny, especially as one was posted by a mod, clearly stating "if anyone is found to mention, post screenshots or even refer to this forum outside of it, they will be banned, no exceptions."


I didn't force George to say anything about it, and as it's all long gone then what does any of this matter? No need to be so defensive of a thing that doesn't exist any more. George was fibbing.


Fact is, LTM forum did exist, now it's gone.


Nobody's denying that it did at one point exist - where the problem is in people thinking that it still does.

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I don't see why I would be banned anyway really. All I did was share a couple of screen shots with my friend that I thought were funny, especially as one was posted by a mod, clearly stating "if anyone is found to mention, post screenshots or even refer to this forum outside of it, they will be banned, no exceptions."


I didn't force George to say anything about it, and as it's all long gone then what does any of this matter? No need to be so defensive of a thing that doesn't exist any more. George was fibbing.


Fact is, LTM forum did exist, now it's gone.


when was it taken down?


Some time ago, on the old version of the forum software (I think we were even on a different host at that time as well).

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I can just about conceive of the idea of some of the Americans on here thnking that a secret subforum that relied on the threat of instant bannings for its existence and that was funded by other people's donations was a good idea, it's in their nature.




But British and Europeans? Name and shame time I think for those who participated and didn't do the right thing. Confess, and the Peoples IDM Liberation Front may forgive you (though we will never forget).

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