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We r Are Why (12")

Guest Rook

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I just scored one for a measly $40. Just wanted to let you guys know.


Oh yea, it was in a record store, and in America none the less! Straight up! Never seen a Mint one for sale anywhere online. There is a VG+ for $80 American on discogs.

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Now, is it worth that price?



Definitely. Even if I didn't like AE, I would have bought it considering I could always turn it around for at least 100% profit. It is also worth mentioning that at the same record store, I bought a Mint copy of A Beautiful Place Out In the Country blue vinyl for $20 and a near mint copy of Gescom: This for $30. In my view, the Gescom was the only one accurately priced considering mint copies of ABPOITC and WRAW both go for considerably more than I paid for them. The store also had a copy of Universal Indicator, Hi Scores, and Twoism. I am kind of regretting not getting those. More so the BOC ones than the Universal Indicator which I don't really care for but is just cool to have anyway. But yea, turns out there IS a good American record shop out there. And I now live near it so,,, score. There was another rare early Aphex one there but I forget what it was... Strangely enough, the most expensive electronic vinyl they had was V-Snares.... Who would pay $100 for that nonsense?

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Guest ezkerraldean

quite jealous




although i'd need my own turntable to play it first anyway lol


really want to collect some IDMs vinyl when i have my own place



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Now, is it worth that price?



Definitely. Even if I didn't like AE, I would have bought it considering I could always turn it around for at least 100% profit. It is also worth mentioning that at the same record store, I bought a Mint copy of A Beautiful Place Out In the Country blue vinyl for $20 and a near mint copy of Gescom: This for $30. In my view, the Gescom was the only one accurately priced considering mint copies of ABPOITC and WRAW both go for considerably more than I paid for them. The store also had a copy of Universal Indicator, Hi Scores, and Twoism. I am kind of regretting not getting those. More so the BOC ones than the Universal Indicator which I don't really care for but is just cool to have anyway. But yea, turns out there IS a good American record shop out there. And I now live near it so,,, score. There was another rare early Aphex one there but I forget what it was... Strangely enough, the most expensive electronic vinyl they had was V-Snares.... Who would pay $100 for that nonsense?




Where is this store, and what's the name of it?

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