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Obama is the antichrist

Guest theSun

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ok, so how can someone accuse FOX news of being a shitty biased ass news network, and then watch this?


this shit is disgusting and ridiculous.


FOX is biased.  The joke here is that these people consider themselves conservative, but their opinion is so extreme, they really think the president is here to bring about Armageddon.

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ok, so how can someone accuse FOX news of being a shitty biased ass news network, and then watch this?


this shit is disgusting and ridiculous.


the anchor sort of makes fun of the poll, and the guy just wants all fundamentalists to die i think. if it were fox there would be screaming debates on why this guy a) hates his family and/or b) hates america.

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i get the feeling that a lot of the people that checked yes or not sure don't really think he is or could be the antichrist. it's the guy they don't like and didn't vote for. probably enough of a reason for a lot of people.

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If the antichrist is black the gospels would have mention it.


seriously : I don't get why in America there's so many fools and so many inteligent/normal people. There's such a social fracture...

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ok, so how can someone accuse FOX news of being a shitty biased ass news network, and then watch this?


this shit is disgusting and ridiculous.


FoxNews claims to be "Fair & Balanced", that is the problem. Maddow, olberman, etc... are openly liberally biased, FoxNews claims to tell it like it is, without bias... "No Spin Zone"


they lie to the people who watch them by telling them that they are getting well-rounded and unbiased reporting... MSNBC makes no such claims.

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i dunno, it just seems out of the millions of more important subjects in the news to cover, we cover meaningless polls saying "oh shit look how crazy 10% of the people in New Jersey are!!" as if that wasn't a given already.

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i dunno, it just seems out of the millions of more important subjects in the news to cover, we cover meaningless polls saying "oh shit look how crazy 10% of the people in New Jersey are!!" as if that wasn't a given already.


it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


1 in 3 NJ conservatives thinks that Obama might be the anti-christ. that isn't a bit fucking nutty to you? this is particularly newsworthy after the teabagger protest of the previous week, where many signs claiming the same crazy shit were seen... held by tens of thousands of people (or if you believe their count, nearly 2 million people).

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it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


i kind of have a love hate relationship with rachel maddow, while she does cover a lot of good and poignant stuff that isn't covered anywhere else on tv news shes been focusing way too strongly on republican opposition lately. And while it's done far more tastefully and intelligently than fox news, it becomes after a while very monotonous to always mention these shites.

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it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


i kind of have a love hate relationship with rachel maddow, while she does cover a lot of good and poignant stuff that isn't covered anywhere else on tv news shes been focusing way too strongly on republican opposition lately. And while it's done far more tastefully and intelligently than fox news, it becomes after a while very monotonous to always mention these shites.


totally agree. i kinda think that she is part of a liberal effort to do battle with FoxNews in the mainstream media. in the past it was FoxNews pushing the right-wing agenda, and the other networks just trying to stay credibly unbiased. i think MSNBC has decided they're sick of playing nice... and wouldn't mind grabbing a piece of that shock-value/preaching-to-the-choir money

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i dunno, it just seems out of the millions of more important subjects in the news to cover, we cover meaningless polls saying "oh shit look how crazy 10% of the people in New Jersey are!!" as if that wasn't a given already.


it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


1 in 3 NJ conservatives thinks that Obama might be the anti-christ. that isn't a bit fucking nutty to you? this is particularly newsworthy after the teabagger protest of the previous week, where many signs claiming the same crazy shit were seen... held by tens of thousands of people (or if you believe their count, nearly 2 million people).




it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


i kind of have a love hate relationship with rachel maddow, while she does cover a lot of good and poignant stuff that isn't covered anywhere else on tv news shes been focusing way too strongly on republican opposition lately. And while it's done far more tastefully and intelligently than fox news, it becomes after a while very monotonous to always mention these shites.


totally agree. i kinda think that she is part of a liberal effort to do battle with FoxNews in the mainstream media. in the past it was FoxNews pushing the right-wing agenda, and the other networks just trying to stay credibly unbiased. i think MSNBC has decided they're sick of playing nice... and wouldn't mind grabbing a piece of that shock-value/preaching-to-the-choir money



see, and while i sorta wanna say good for you for playing dirty, its still despicable..it doesn't elevate them above their opponents in anyway.


i mean, for fucks sake this country is stupid.

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i dunno, it just seems out of the millions of more important subjects in the news to cover, we cover meaningless polls saying "oh shit look how crazy 10% of the people in New Jersey are!!" as if that wasn't a given already.


it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


1 in 3 NJ conservatives thinks that Obama might be the anti-christ. that isn't a bit fucking nutty to you? this is particularly newsworthy after the teabagger protest of the previous week, where many signs claiming the same crazy shit were seen... held by tens of thousands of people (or if you believe their count, nearly 2 million people).




it's not like she isn't covering the war, healthcare reform, missile defense systems in poland, etc...


i kind of have a love hate relationship with rachel maddow, while she does cover a lot of good and poignant stuff that isn't covered anywhere else on tv news shes been focusing way too strongly on republican opposition lately. And while it's done far more tastefully and intelligently than fox news, it becomes after a while very monotonous to always mention these shites.


totally agree. i kinda think that she is part of a liberal effort to do battle with FoxNews in the mainstream media. in the past it was FoxNews pushing the right-wing agenda, and the other networks just trying to stay credibly unbiased. i think MSNBC has decided they're sick of playing nice... and wouldn't mind grabbing a piece of that shock-value/preaching-to-the-choir money



see, and while i sorta wanna say good for you for playing dirty, its still despicable..it doesn't elevate them above their opponents in anyway.


i mean, for fucks sake this country is stupid.


yeah, but at least they stick to facts. they may focus on stories and angles that work in their favor, but they don't perpetuate lies and propaganda (i.e death panels, birthers, etc)

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