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"i'd touch you with the jab and you'd be stumbling down queer street, from my weakest punch"

producer snafu

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

i feel a shade patriotic watching that. it begins all too depressing when you realise that's a fair version of any friday night in the uk. shirtless guy, too, is all to generic to every city. but i love how those cage fighters chose to spend their friday evening carefully applying their makeup and choosing the right accessories to match their floral dresses, only to wander around a fairly rough welsh city at night to see if anyone cares to show the temerity to question their gender-bending attire.


if you watch closely you can pretty well guess what the shirtless guy's friend is saying to him before he runs off: "err.. have you see the size of their muscl...". but he shakes him off and runs off to fight them, in a rage only his impressive stupidity can muster. and then his friends, realising he's made a huge error, sheepishly follow him out of loyalty, ostensibly to help him, but really to dissuade him, only to get utterly fucked by a couple of cage fighters in drag.


*sheds a single patriotic tear*

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Holy fucking lol at the thread title, which I guess was posted by adjective in that other thread which seems to indicate it was posted by lion.


Either way yeah that's an awesome quote.


The video took me a couple of watches to figure shit out because I thought all the guys in yellow shirts were bouncers at that club and there was alot of shit happening but now I get it and that's pretty fucked.

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I fucking love this shit. Men that are manly, and comfortable enough with their masculinity to dress in women's clothing and fuck up a couple of turds that have it coming.

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Guest Al Hounos

i love things that deliver all the satisfaction they promise.


i mean it couldn't have been more perfect - grade A dickhead, completely unprovoked, dick throws the first punch, full view of transvestite bending down to deliver a punch in a way that tells you that a: he's thrown a few punches before, and b: it's going to do some serious damage.


A+ would click again

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Guest Space Coyote

that other video of the guy 1 punching the mouthy scouser who pushed his bin over. he was an ex marine with 2 black belts and he did a 'reverse punch' on the chav who bit the dust.


link pls

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that other video of the guy 1 punching the mouthy scouser who pushed his bin over. he was an ex marine with 2 black belts and he did a 'reverse punch' on the chav who bit the dust.


link pls


here -> http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2674758/Yob-shown-being-floored-by-ex-soldier-threatens-Sun.html

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that other video of the guy 1 punching the mouthy scouser who pushed his bin over. he was an ex marine with 2 black belts and he did a 'reverse punch' on the chav who bit the dust.


link pls


here -> http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2674758/Yob-shown-being-floored-by-ex-soldier-threatens-Sun.html


as satisfying as this originally was, the follow up story is even more satisfying.

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I knew the guy had a blackbelt just by the amount of restraint he showed in the original video. i mean he stood there for an eternity. you can't script that whole thing any better. that's why it's as viral as it is.


for the video in this thread, those guys get dropped HARD. i have to think a weapon was used like, as xxx said, brass knuckles.


i cant get enough of these videos either way. street justice. maybe that's why i like gangster theatre like sopranos. when bitch has it comin, bitch gets it.

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yeah the guy knew all along he could have him at any time. a fine display of restraint and all the more gratifying to hear he's defending his family so calmly... most people, however capable, would have snapped well before he did.


and to find the chav guy's been laughed out of town? priceless.

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Guest abusivegeorge

lol @ chris moss having me on ignore so didnt see my link, and then lol @ me having chris moss on ignore and wondering where the fuck Freds qoute came from.

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Guest abusivegeorge

the lol is i don't have you on ignore, i ignore you the linear way of not giving a shit what you say.






I also love your attempt at trying to wind me up lol.


I was discussing with many other watmmers the other night, and apparently you hate everything. So I stuck up for you and said but surely he can't hate music?


The convo was divided, but I held your honour.

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