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What does crack smell like?


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not a fan of crack. to say it's moorish is an understatement. In fact, it doesn't really get me high. All it does is flick a switch that makes me want more, even though all it did in the 1st place was make me feel shitty. This being said I was never a fan of uppers in general. They don't seem to work on me like it does on others.

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it might be your OS Fred, Im using Vista and it doesn't seem to work.



i googled for information regarding this mystery video and nothing....someone on another forum told me to update my system.

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you have to rehash your USB hubs. Unless your RAM folder is labelled as a .jpg, lol. If that's the case then your router table is of an out of date monitor value. Open up your CGI blocks and type www.homoslash.gae/manson.maj/ispplugin:analgap.e.urmum. This should reboot you motherboard pixels. you might see some smoke but it's all part of your audio jack properties, so don't sweat it.

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Guest Adjective

your router table is of an out of date monitor value.


i just had my router table professionally calibrated by RISCONT certfied tech from White Glove Computer Group located off I-10 and my flash applications and javascripts are noticably smoother and almost too smooth

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Guest Franklin

yeah. fuckin microsoft/bill gates. is it worth downloading firefox for?



doesnt work on firefox either FML




fred you might want to redownload the bootlogs for your main video driver set or upload your c-stacks so we can get a better idea of what ASSPs are cannibalizing your windows metadata.

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From what I remember it kinda smells like a cross between burnt plastic and a Bic pen with a touch of sweetness.


(From Yahoo Answers)

"Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Gosh what an awful situation you might be in. I'm an older, more responsible man than I used to be 15yrs ago. I did it 1st hand and thank goodness I don't play with that fire anymore. I just drink beer to unwind when I need.

From what I remember it kinda smells like a cross between burnt plastic and a Bic pen with a touch of sweetness. Your description makes sense.

you think you could ask your landlord discretely to put a fire alarm in the hall? You might not want to come across as a rat or a narc but you definitely need to take some action. Maybe just address the smoking cigarettes thing and nicely say your son needs to have a good quality of air. That way there your not coming across as a nag and just a responsible parent concerned for your sons health. They might get the hint. I hope you resolve this. Good luck


* 2 years ago"


nice try. I looked there before I posted this topic.




... and it definitely wasn't cloves.

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One thing I remember. It smelled a tiny bit like an electrical fire. I got a new hard drive recently and plugged it in and it smelled a tiny bit similar. It also smelled a tiny bit like September 11th.

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