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Curious how screwed my ex wife is

Guest epsy

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Just curious if any of you guys know the ramifications involved with anybody doing the following.


My ex wife recently got arrested for doing a hit and run on somebody's mailbox. Because of her past DUI, the cop confiscated all her meds and gave her a drug test. They found Ambien in her system. She spent 24 hours in jail and it cost $1600 to bail her out. Considering a mailbox is federal property, anybody know what kinda shit she faces for her court date?

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i would say its not a huge deal unless she has too many priors....then she might unfortunately be fucked im sorry to say.



usually the feds dont bother prosecuting infringements like this unless its to make a particular point.



though im just speaking from what i know....Alzado is a lawyer

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If she was eating ice cream beforehand, I can think of someone she might be able to pin it on . . . but honestly I have no idea what kinds of charges can be used. Ambien amnesia sounds like a good defense against anything, though.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lumpenprol gave her the ambien. Not only does your wife have ambien amnesia, it wasn't even self induced. She's scott free son.

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i didnt even really catch the ambien part



i used to get zombified by it...i mean, i dont remember any of it, my parents said i got "lost" in the bathroom and started screaming "im dying"


another time i walked into the family room and stared at the fan for half an hour and then left.

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Guest abusivegeorge

i used to get zombified by it...i mean, i dont remember any of it, my parents said i got "lost" in the bathroom and started screaming "im dying"


Fucking LOL. Your poor mum and Dad.

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