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this was an interesting read

possibly fake but still interesting



what an asshole. "i'm really good at taking drugs. just ask all the other junkies at my high school".

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oddly enough something about the actual cough syrup always gave me a more enjoyable trip than eating pure powder. Maybe its because i drink it slowly over the course of 20 minutes , so probably in comparison its like drinking several beers in a row VS taking like 5 shots of vodka in 5 minutes



edit: i was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience to me of being very forgetful about what happens during a hallucinatory experience on DXM. The images and visions i see are not remembered as easily as say LSD and they resemble more of that fleeting feeling like when you wake up from a dream. The only way i've been able to get around it is by keeping a tape recorder running while im having them occasionally describe something into it. i've heard taking a small amount of amphetamine like drug helps prevent this effect, but i never tried it in combination.

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who here has tried PCP and how does it compare to DXM? the only other 'dissociative anesthetics' i've done are Ketamine and Nitrous


after doing plenty of K and DXM i now find any PCP story i hear very hard to beleive that involves super human strength and crazy energy. My suspicion is that most 'pcp freakout' stories you've heard involve either another drug in conjunction (meth) or are not actually PCP intoxication but something like Datura or speed psychosis brought on by Meth or crack

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edit: i was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience to me of being very forgetful about what happens during a hallucinatory experience on DXM. The images and visions i see are not remembered as easily as say LSD and they resemble more of that fleeting feeling like when you wake up from a dream. The only way i've been able to get around it is by keeping a tape recorder running while im having them occasionally describe something into it. i've heard taking a small amount of amphetamine like drug helps prevent this effect, but i never tried it in combination.


You talking 3rd plateau? Yeah, I can relate, but depending on how much LSD was taken, it's happened on that too. But DXM is def more dream like, although I have found that with a pitch black room + 3rd plateau dose, I can control my visions with remarkable ease.

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well thats the cock-tease like experience i've had on DXM. on 3rd platuea (500mg-700mg) i have amazing immersive visual experiences that resemble lucid dreams more than a traditional psychedelic ego loss experience (lsd or dmt) and what's nice about DXM and K is that you don't feel as paniced or freaked out while having these types of experiences. Whats cock-teasy for me is that i know i've had some insanely fun hallucinations on 3rd platuea that i absolutely cannot remember.

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funny story actually, one of my ex girlfriend's was very afraid of the pain of her hymen breaking so i dosed her with DXM ! she asked me if i had anything 'for pain' and i had no opiates or proper painkillers at the time, she seemed to quite enjoy the dxm and she lost her virginity on it

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funny story actually, one of my ex girlfriend's was very afraid of the pain of her hymen breaking so i dosed her with DXM ! she asked me if i had anything 'for pain' and i had no opiates or proper painkillers at the time, she seemed to quite enjoy the dxm and she lost her virginity on it


HOLY SHIT you may just be the devil for that. My god that could have ended so badly. I'm glad she liked it, but DAMN SON. This ain't no Hydrocodone!


So seriously though, did you notice that weed seems to activate the trip for you? I won't do DXM unless I have a least a few bowls worth. I find it amazing that if you don't smoke a few hours before you dose, take the DXM, wait about an hour and a half, THEN smoke MJ, you can feel the 1st hit wash over you like a warm, comforting blanket of bliss. Seriously, that is the shit. It just makes the whole experience about 1000x more pleasant. Makes it just a lot more psychedelic and nice. I've never hit the 3rd without it, except for one time, when I chugged a beer very quickly whilst peaking on a 2nd.

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i did most of my DXM taking before i was into smoking marijuana, so in short no. I think maybe one time i smoked it on the trip and it just made me fall asleep. but i do absolutely love smoking a joint to my head and doing about 100mg of ketamine immediately after.


the most notable drug combination i did woth DXM was 500mg DXM + 2 average strength hits LSD = amazing experience, very intense, the comedown is not enjoyable but the peak is mind blowing , i actually remember one moment where i thought i had woken up out of my bed and stared at my wall, then i realized slowly that what i was seeing was a full dream like hallucination that disintegrated before my eyes. Very unusual with DXM by itself to give full open eye visuals. I also had a casteneda like experience where i felt like i was inside my roomate's dog's body, he was about a 5 year old mini Pug and shit if i wasn't him for like 20 mintues


and for proper respect, the kids at rec.drugs.psychedelics gave me this idea, they used to call it LSDXM. I tried smoking DMT once on a 3rd plateua trip but i have absolutely no recollection of the event, i remember lighting the pipe then blacking out for about 5 minutes, when i came to i asked my friend to hand me the pipe and he kept telling me that i had already smoked it but i would not believe him. I always suspected that something insane happened to me in those 5 minutes that the memory is sitting somewhere in my brain slowly traumatizing me

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funny story actually, one of my ex girlfriend's was very afraid of the pain of her hymen breaking so i dosed her with DXM ! she asked me if i had anything 'for pain' and i had no opiates or proper painkillers at the time, she seemed to quite enjoy the dxm and she lost her virginity on it


HOLY SHIT you may just be the devil for that. My god that could have ended so badly. I'm glad she liked it, but DAMN SON. This ain't no Hydrocodone!


i kept it pretty safe with a dose of 200mg , but you're right she could have been the allergic type which is why i didn't do a 2nd plateau or higher dosage :emotawesomepm9:

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I've done LSDXM. I took a 10 strip of kick ass L, then topped it off with about 500mg of DXM about 1.5 hours later. Simply put, it was amazing. I was about 18 at the time, and while I was just past the peak, I stumbled into Wal-Mart, looking quite mad I'm sure, and stole 2 bottles of DXM for my friend who had never done it but was envious of what I was feeling. I can't believe I didn't get caught...



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who here has tried PCP and how does it compare to DXM? the only other 'dissociative anesthetics' i've done are Ketamine and Nitrous


after doing plenty of K and DXM i now find any PCP story i hear very hard to beleive that involves super human strength and crazy energy. My suspicion is that most 'pcp freakout' stories you've heard involve either another drug in conjunction (meth) or are not actually PCP intoxication but something like Datura or speed psychosis brought on by Meth or crack

*sigh* I don't really want to publicly admit to having tried pcp, but oh well. I've done it and they are very similar but pcp has a lot less "haze" to it and is much clearer. I remember pcp making me feel like my body was a flexible straw, or just made out of rubber. Very wibbly wobbly. That said I favor that when you start to increase the dosages of both, they hit a fork in the road and go their separate ways. I've only tried pcp twice and it was no where near a large amount, but it was enough to keep me intoxicated for many hours. [edit] But I certainly felt a LOT more energetic and capable of doing phsycical things than I ever have on dxm. There was definitely that same very very strong disconnect from the world (hence dissociative) on both and that was almost spot on the exact same.


The most dxm i've done is an 8oz bottle and i was convinced I was going to die, but I was so numb and just blah all i could really do is roll around in my bed and feel like crap and regretted doing it. Everything was also very LOUD. I listened to a bit of the Wall and it drove me nuts it was so loud. When I put on my headphones the next day the volume was at almost the absolute lowest still audible volume.


Aside from all that, I really enjoy a 4-5 oz dxm trip, done properly. There is a very specific procedure of how to drink the syrup right with water and then brushing your teeth etc, and when i do that i NEVER get sick or woozy one bit and can enjoy the whole experience. A lot of my DJ sets this past summer were performed while was robotrippin lol.


Also note that to me an 8oz bottle of dxm is likely a lot more to me than it may be to some of you as I am quite small and (hopefully) weigh less than the majority of u. :) I will never do that again, ever ever. It was too much, I have had just fine and dandy and amazing experiences on just a 4oz dose. And I have never even smoked weed a single time while doing dxm so I'm sure my options of having an even more amazing experience are quite good.

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Also I have high standards for drug experiences due to nothing coming anywhere near remotely close to my biggest acid dose when i was ....some age. I have no clue now. *maths*.....calculating. I'm just going to say 16, could be wrong not sure. Actually, I know i couldn't drive yet so i guess I was 15.


edit: not trying to sound elitist or anything if that comes across that way. Was just pointing that out. I've never been a "i've taken more drugs than you hahaha,i rule" type person.



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As far as dissociatives are concerned, I've tried 3/4 major ones: Nitrous, DXM and Ketamine. They all have some distinct similarities but the differences are staggering.


Nitrous is by far the best drug on the planet though. Short high (but re-dose is always an option) so you don't need to commit to a long time for it. It's fairly cheap, and non-addictive. The medical side effects are nearly negligible and if you take vitamin B12 supplements on days when you take alot you have pretty much negated all the possible damage that your body could suffer.


And it makes your voice deep when you breathe it in



And you do it out of fucking balloons. BALLOONS!!!! Just the aesthetic value of doing drugs out of a balloon is enough to make it superior to any other drug.

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In other news I just got a new job and just now got back from finishing all the paper work etc, and had to do a drug test which i of course passed since i haven't smoked since i started looking for a job. In other words, it's been many weeks and I am going to get so high this weekend it's going to be off the charts. "just tell me i don't have to stay in this room forever". :) :crazy:


Nitrous is by far the best drug on the planet though.



yeah not a fan of the nitrous

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In other news I just got a new job and just now got back from finishing all the paper work etc, and had to do a drug test which i of course passed since i haven't smoked since i started looking for a job. In other words, it's been many weeks and I am going to get so high this weekend it's going to be off the charts. "just tell me i don't have to stay in this room forever". :) :crazy:


then: marijuana

now: jenkem

next: internet2

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BALLOONS!!!! Just the aesthetic value of doing drugs out of a balloon is enough to make it superior to any other drug.


now: jenkem


This is why balloons don't = good drugs. I'm sure your av is fun to look at on drugs tho haunting soul :emotawesomepm9:


My casio cz1 used to have a sound i made in it called "whippit" b/c everyone said it sounded exactly like what they heard when they took a hit or whatever you call taking nitrous. Took a breath? I dunno. i wish my cz memory hadn't initialized :(

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Guest hahathhat

i have three points regarding dxm on my mind today:


1) preparation matters for me. part of this is probably psychosomatic -- i look at those red gelcaps and my stomach cowers in memory of some rough times. usually i can just take a nip off the bong or such and that takes care of the nausea quick, but i still get bad diarrhea. the syrup isn't as bad for this, but i hate drinking it. but there's this nasal spray stuff, less liquid than a shot, pretty much zero diarrhea and nausea... i daresay the adjective "clean" comes to mind, and dxm is usually pretty filthy....


2) if i lie on a bed and close my eyes on dxm, weird shit happens. my body starts to feel like it's bending around. the only other thing that did this to me was salvia. what's the deal with this? i'm just curious what the fuck is going on, i find it quite intriguing


3) closed-eye visuals on dxm are amazingly controllable, moreso than any other drug i've tried (have not tried k or pcp). it's like an infinite delay once you get up there in dose -- stare at a bright light for a second, then close your eyes and put your hand over your eyes to block out excess light. keep watching the afterimage from the bright light -- it'll start to do weird things. it's a good sign if you start to see strobing. anyone have opinions on strobing, flanging?


it made me feel like there was something important that i was supposed to be doing but i couldn't figure out what that thing was, and even if i could i was too fucked up to do anything about it. it was very disconcerting.


i get this on psychedelics, too. the trick is to stop trying to figure it out, and just act. whatever you wind up doing is the important thing. e.g. stop worrying, fire up the synths, hit record. if you're too fucked for that, draw, pee on the wall in aesthetically pleasing patterns i dunno

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