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Did you know that for Ableton all you really need to do is:


1) Enable warp on a track

2) Delete all warp markers

3) Put 1 warp marker at the first bass kick in a song

4) put 1 warp marker at the last bass kick in a song


And voila, all your grueling hard work is complete.





did you know that mixing with ableton is shit

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Ludd mate i'm not going to attempt to sell it to you but that kind of single mindedness is just depressing, so whatever man....you can do amazing things with both mediums, but to write Ableton off completely is abit unfair in my book.


That said, if your're the sort of person playing 128kbs MP3s nicked from Soulseek then you deserve all the stick you get.

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in toronto there is an actual DJ school called Scratch Lab where they teach you how to DJ properly and the concepts behind different techniques. there might be similar place near you somewhere, or perhaps you can ask some friends to show you and help you out

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i'm thinking of going with some sort of laptop based dj program (maybe traktor). i'd like to purchase a nice shiny midi controller with special controls tailored for beat matching and the like, if something like that exists. i'm poor.




what did I say?? start with actual vinyl records and a cheap turntables + mixer setup. if you are at all serious about "DJing" then learn to fucking actually spin records and beatmatch. if you're not really serious about getting into it, then by all means download a cracked version of Traktor and impress all your friends with your mad skillz bro. I can't wait to hear your fantastic "mixes".


look, in all seriousness, if you're going to get into DJing, do it right. Don't piss about and pretend to know what you're doing with Traktor because you'll most likely get bored and confused very quickly, knock it on the head and claim "DJing sux".


There is no quick fix to becoming a good (or even passable DJ) and using a laptop instead of actual records will certainly not make you any "better". if you're just looking to play at being a DJ ( and there's nothing wrong with that) then go buy DJ Hero and knock yourself out.




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i was about to type some pseduo lol advice but instead ill say what has actually really helped me is doing it in front of an audience, either online or in person. Puts the pressure on you in a good way. Granted it is good to have a general idea of what you are doing before doing that.


also...you can always make the fidelity of your mixsound terrible so ppl complain more about how bad the sound quality is vs the mixing quality :)



also pairing up tracks that don't usually go together can really pay off.


learn how to use fx to make tracks sound DIFFERENT instead of just or hai here's a flanger on this breakdown.

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also, a good friend of mine who is an extremely talented dj of all sorts of genres, once told me this and i'm not sure if it applies to everyone, but its something i witnessed during one of his sets and it couldnt be more true in that scenario:


"being a good and entertaining dj is not strictly about how well you mix, or how good your taste in music is, it's about being able to accidentally bump the record arm and having the needle loudly scratch (in a bad way) a record you were trying to mix in, only to have no one care or laugh because they were having such a good time, and they knew you would recover"


and that was true, he did that (and ruined a very rare limited pressing record), and i saw it, no one cared, if anything people thought they were witnessing something special (him making a mistake) since he is such a flawless dj.


could be crap advice to someone else, but it was really great advice to me

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also, a good friend of mine who is an extremely talented dj of all sorts of genres, once told me this and i'm not sure if it applies to everyone, but its something i witnessed during one of his sets and it couldnt be more true in that scenario:


"being a good and entertaining dj is not strictly about how well you mix, or how good your taste in music is, it's about being able to accidentally bump the record arm and having the needle loudly scratch (in a bad way) a record you were trying to mix in, only to have no one care or laugh because they were having such a good time, and they knew you would recover"


and that was true, he did that (and ruined a very rare limited pressing record), and i saw it, no one cared, if anything people thought they were witnessing something special (him making a mistake) since he is such a flawless dj.


could be crap advice to someone else, but it was really great advice to me





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Guest Otto Krat

True: never forget than a part for 2-3 geeks in the audience no one will have an idea of what good/bad missing is. They'll just worry about hearing what they like/cheesy stransitions/how popular is the dj/how much he's acting like he's playing banging tunes.


Don't forget afx could me booed if he made a dj set in commercial shitty night club.

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Guest Drahken

Step 1: Put in Dave's Ultimate Trance Anthems

Step 2: Dance wildly like Peter Hook on a coke binge

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit

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make sure to accidently hit the cross fader and channel faders with the

cuffs of your sleeves a few times at absolutely perfect moments in your mix.


or just spill your beer on the mixer

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lol what?


to me it seems like most people who dismiss digital DJing are the ones who already have all the records and turntables.. and quite a sizable collection at that. sure, it's kickass spinning vinyl but it requires alot of money and time. some people just want to mix, and digital tractor torrented mixing is just for that. i'm not saying it's good, but it's justifiable. as long as it's a good mix. with that said, most mixes that I've enjoyed throughout the years were mixed on vinyl.

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main thing to remember is that seamless mixing in a ministry of sound anthems compilation cd style pete tong yeah ibiza superstar dj style is the least important thing about playing records


god forbid seamless mixes exist. yeesh. Nothing wrong with a seamless mix if you're using good tracks.

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