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Do you look at your wife or partner

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74

And think


(i) Meh

(ii) How did I end up with her, she's gorgeous or

(iii) How did I get stuck with that cow?


I'm lucky enough to be in (ii) but have friends who are in (iii) and it's just incredible to see. It's like they stay together for spite. The ones where you wonder how he can look at her in the morning and not just get depressed for the day.

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Guest Conor74



I got real lucky. She was great looking when we started going out, and she's even better looking 17 years later.


But sometimes I think...what if I had missed out on her and settled for some awful looking thing, or worse still someone stupid?


I sense a new meme has been born


You aint heard nothing yet.


I'm sick of seeing the cult of meme on other sites. I'm gonna charge to the front here.

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