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is there any escape from this god forsaken computer monopoly?

Guest Helper ET

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Windows 7 is pretty nice. If you really hate Microsoft that much check out Ubuntu free, open source, very user friendly. Just install it and it works. I haven't had any issues with it. It is linux though, so you might not understand it if you do have problems.

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Guest Helper ET

keep in mind ET that hackintoshes constantly stream IP data packets to a series of unknown registrars in nevada and florida and the england. Most all data can be rerouted (and from my experiments, gets routed on a schedual only when the computer is placed into sleep mode). Its definitely workable if you like permanently disabling your wifi. If you have a multicore processor it will have to be switched to 4-way hyperthreading (do it in the bios first, on the mobo second, you might want to get a wrist-strap to keep you grounded this whole time, theyre on newegg for like 20 bucks). Finally, pray your powersupply is compatible with apple's diatomic power management services (check osx system settings). Also while you're down there you might try cradling my balls gently and stroking the shaft with your fingertips, but please wash your hands if youve been gorging yourself on fritos and carlo rossi.


so your saying i can do it at the price of creating a fire hazard and a chance of getting electrocuted...sounds great


yes, and here is your solution.




remember that ableton live requires windows or mac. all this ubuntu and sam440EP talk is fine, thanks for your input, but not for me.


id really like to get osx...im not at all interested in windows 7, ive disliked the very essence of windows ever since childhood, im not spending the small amount of money i do have on it. im surprised to hear lots of people praising windows. its a joke os designed for simple minds who want to check facebook and watch popular youtube videos...always has been. its a video game. i want a real computer, that talks to me like a computer, not like bill gates writing polite apologetic messages to me for not being able to complete a simple task. fuck windows


and thats not to mention the unavoidable govt intel backdoors hidden inside windows (admitted by microsoft). now its not like google hasnt admitted spying on everyone for "advertising purposes", or like they havent infiltrated apple as well, but damnit microsoft was the first one to get hijacked, so for the time being, windows is the number one operating system the govt wants you to use. this probably has some to do with jacked up apple prices, everyone flocks to the cheaper alternative


chengod: no

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Guest Helper ET

your pathetic attempts at humorously mocking my world view are an embarrassment only to yourself. stop trying to be funny/clever, for you are neither. this anti-ET crusade of yours does nothing but expose your own ignorance of world events and politics. you have the knowing of a 15 year old when it comes to issues on this topic. by all means though, continue to make a fool of yourself...it only validates everything im talking about

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Guest Helper ET

They sell different *nix laptops everywhere.


just googled *nix laptops and am discovering a whole new world. this is what i was talking about, i didnt know it had a name. im a bit confused about all this UNIX talk on all the sites though, UNIX, something to do with Linux - maybe, then theyre talking about os x with UNIX ... :wtf:


maybe i can tell you what i want and someone can tell me if its possible. basically i want a cheap PC laptop that runs almost as fast as an expensive rip off pc laptop (in this day in age arent most pcs basically lightning fast anyway?), and then to put the latest version of os x on it. id like to spend around $300-500 doing this. am i dreaming or are people doing this?



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basically, et, youve been given all the answers. you say you want to be able to run abelton (im assuming run it well and one of the later releases), but yet you dont want to spend more than $500 tops.? my macbook is 3 and a 1/2 years old, and with half a gig of ram, i cant even get it to run abelton 5 very well. you get what you pay for in the end. save your cash, get a new macbook, and fill it with the max ram. macbooks have never been cheaper!


i dont think anyone has anything left to tell you.

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your pathetic attempts at humorously mocking my world view are an embarrassment only to yourself. stop trying to be funny/clever, for you are neither. this anti-ET crusade of yours does nothing but expose your own ignorance of world events and politics. you have the knowing of a 15 year old when it comes to issues on this topic. by all means though, continue to make a fool of yourself...it only validates everything im talking about



Who said anything about being funny or clever. This shit is deadly serious.


ps you can't run Ableton on UNIX.

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