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New Consumer Technology Website


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Hey guys, I thought I would share a new web site that I stumbled upon today. It's a blog run by two tech experts where you can submit a question related to any consumer technology topic and they can answer it for you based on their extensive expertise. It looks like it's going to be a pretty great resource for the latest technology information. here's the link:





The authors are waiting for guys like you to e-mail them some questions about your smart phone, laptop, blue ray player or nintendo. So if you guys have any questions, I strongly encourage you to e-mail these experts so they can solve them for you and other people with similar problems can find the answers on the site.


Go ahead, e-mail them!

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please e-mail your questions though. the blog won't be active without you guys e-mailing in your technology related questions.


my friend has been complaining nonstop that his computer is doggone slow, well we've all been there so i linked him to your e-mail maybe now he will put a sock in it!

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by the way guys, your questions stand a better chance of getting answered if they are serious. Lloyd and Dale take their passion seriously and are looking to help people with real problems. so if the question submitted makes it clear that someone's just having a little fun, they'll probably be less likely to run it.

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Guest margaret thatcher

ok, can you send this to dale and lloyd? thanks.


i have a roland em-25 keyboard, had it for about 10 years. it emits a very horrible electrical noise from the output - it never used to do that, just for the last year or so. any particular reason why it would be doing this?

any way to fix it?

any help would be appreciated, i'm glad i'm talking to professionals here.


margaret t.

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Guest Adjective

Was a big fan of Dale's Datachains and Cabling Tomorrow, Now! podcast. I hope when his undisclosed legal issue clears up that fans will able find these podcasts online again. Glad to see he's brought in a sharpshooter like Dr. Sadowski for this new blog. :beer:

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Oh thank god I found you guys!


My friend rang me today in hysterics upon realising that her assignment for college that she spent ages working on had somehow disappeared off her USB key along with everything else. Not being technically inclined I had to tell her she would probably have to redo the whole thing? Is this true or can the data actually be recovered. How can this be fixed? Why?


Kind regards,


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Lloyd has answered Thatcher's question quite thoroughly

Dale chimed in with an alternate suggestion.


your 'questions' email link in the header is b0rked

fixed. thanks kaini


Oh thank god I found you guys!


My friend rang me today in hysterics upon realising that her assignment for college that she spent ages working on had somehow disappeared off her USB key along with everything else. Not being technically inclined I had to tell her she would probably have to redo the whole thing? Is this true or can the data actually be recovered. How can this be fixed? Why?


Kind regards,


I'm going to pass this on to the boys.

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Oh thank god I found you guys!


My friend rang me today in hysterics upon realising that her assignment for college that she spent ages working on had somehow disappeared off her USB key along with everything else. Not being technically inclined I had to tell her she would probably have to redo the whole thing? Is this true or can the data actually be recovered. How can this be fixed? Why?


Kind regards,


Dale was pretty concerned about saving your friend's work and he stayed up all night troubleshooting a solution. I hope this helps.

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you seem to be pretty good friends with dale.

I'm his attorney.









And just a reminder guys, silly questions will not get answered on the site. Lloyd and Dale are looking to help people with real problems so everyone can benefit.

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