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damn you fags a gaysburger nig slav

lol wat













































































mexican people are filled with candy

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Guest abusivegeorge

Fuck you and your mum in her eipc fucking cunt. You're fucking Dads so queer he invited me round to fuck him while I tied your fucking mother to a chair and made her watch.


Next I'll fuck your son while you and your dad watch, then I'll smash you both accross the face with a baseball bat breaking your fucking jaw and knocking all your teeth out. Then I'll rape your mum in front of you both, while your son cries in the fucking corner with a sore ass.

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you cocksuckers are such pieces of horse shit that it amazes me you all haven't already offed yourselves by now or at least cut wrists so much you'd lose motor functions of your hands... which would thankfully remove your useless existence from the internet and my life. fucking emo fags the lot of you, an embarrassment to the already very low standard of a human. I would say rot in hell, but it seems most of you are already in it.


and this may sound harsh, but watmm members are losers, such lame human beings. uneducated wannabes with no real understanding of anything other stupid memes and facts about music (noise pollution if you ask me). your life is being wasted, get jobs you cocksuckers, but don't ever forget where you came from and while you'll all always be proof that people suck.


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