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First song I made that I've ever shown anyone

Guest cedric grimfuck

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On first listen, I felt that some of the crazy chopped up beat stuff didn't really fit with the song. To me it felt like someone sat down with the intent to write a song with chopped up stuff in it, as opposed to a song that developed those things naturally during development. I don't know. I'd need a few more listens to really judge.

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not much of a need for brutality. It was very reminiscent of certain artists that I enjoy but done in a way that did not offend my senses. The chopped up stuff sounded pretty composed and thought out to me, along with the whole 3 section deal you have going on, in a tight and compact package. my only issue real issue is the mixing and eq and stuff to make it better but it sounds a bit dull and could be punchier.

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Guest cedric grimfuck

not much of a need for brutality. It was very reminiscent of certain artists that I enjoy but done in a way that did not offend my senses. The chopped up stuff sounded pretty composed and thought out to me, along with the whole 3 section deal you have going on, in a tight and compact package. my only issue real issue is the mixing and eq and stuff to make it better but it sounds a bit dull and could be punchier.


Thanks! :)


In regards to the EQ and whatnot, the 320 version I have sounds a bit better, because I'm pretty sure Soundcloud cuts the bitrate down to 128 or something (but I could be wrong). But I do need to work on that, I'm just in the stage of learning that facet of production right now.

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dull at first, I like the fast bits

but you lose points for originality


Who does it sound like most?

Probably squarepusher. That break is used by so many people. Nice tune though really.

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I like it. Too short i think though. Where you fade it out i think it should kick back in with some nasty thrashy cant think let alone move shit... top it off nicely :)

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Pretty cool, I won't condem you for the use of think/amen breaks since everyone else gets to use them so why not you! I prefer the first drop to the second as by the time the second comes I get bored of the melody, I feel the track could progress more than it did but other than that it was a pleasant listening experience. :emotawesomepm9: Nice work.

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Guest cedric grimfuck

dull at first, I like the fast bits

but you lose points for originality


Who does it sound like most?

Probably squarepusher. That break is used by so many people. Nice tune though really.


You mean that high-pitched "heyho" vocalization around the 2:15 mark?


Yeah it's pretty generic. I'm just hooked on that sound...

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dull at first, I like the fast bits

but you lose points for originality


Who does it sound like most?

Probably squarepusher. That break is used by so many people. Nice tune though really.


You mean that high-pitched "heyho" vocalization around the 2:15 mark?


Yeah it's pretty generic. I'm just hooked on that sound...


I feel like the biggest problem with most songs I hear on YLC is that they all have terrible endings. You finally dropped the breaks in, and then its over? You came up with some good ideas but in the end i feel all confused and let down.

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for your first public track, it's awesome! much better than where i'm at. the song doesn't really move anywhere (as has been said) but the melody is quite nice. all you've gotta do now is work on finding a way for that melody to progress, move somewhere -- this is where i'm at, too! that said, it seems pretty clear you've got the production thing down. the sliced amen break was very well done, thought it is super overused. i actually liked the percussion at the beginning quite a bit. keep it goin!

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Guest cedric grimfuck

for your first public track, it's awesome! much better than where i'm at. the song doesn't really move anywhere (as has been said) but the melody is quite nice. all you've gotta do now is work on finding a way for that melody to progress, move somewhere -- this is where i'm at, too! that said, it seems pretty clear you've got the production thing down. the sliced amen break was very well done, thought it is super overused. i actually liked the percussion at the beginning quite a bit. keep it goin!



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