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Republicans, conservatives and Right Wingers are the biggest idiots .. ( Don't get me started on the teabaggers )


democrats have been pretty retarded lately too.

People that wrap their ideals up in a single party platform (especially the 2 primary) are fucking stupid. Polarization of issues is stupid.


Also: All politicians are on the same payroll..

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We had Biden saying the war surge is working in Afghanistan yet him and Obama said it worked but wasn't sound policy under W in Iraq.


I think they just didn't like the way Bush did things, not necessarily what he did. I guess it goes back to the secrecy thing.


Gitmo is still open


IDK, shit happens? Nobody wants him to close it so .. how could he?


Banks and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been bailed out and he still defends doing so.


If he hadn't, we'd be in another depression. I don't think you realize the implications of firms like these.


He allowed earmarks in the stimulus bill.


They are in every bill. I doubt he 'allowed' them, either. They slipped by but get signed out of desperation because of the partisan game the other side has to play just to score meaningless political party points by not signing a bill they know would be a good idea.


Lobbyists are stronger than ever. Same old stuff. We're not doomed as the teabaggers claim, but I don't feel like this nation has progressed dramatically in any way.


And there, we agree. The lobbyists for special interest and corporations are where the problem lies.

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I don't feel any better off with Obama in office than I did with Bush, it's just a change in bullshit rhetoric (hope and change instead of freedom and democracy)


If you think there is an ounce of actual sincerity and honesty that the Dems have over the GOP on any issue, you're delusional. Though I will say even as a nationalized healthcare skeptic (i.e. it working here in the U.S.), the GOP has offered no solution and can't even succumb to reasonable and much needed regulation of the industry.






its two sides playing the same game.


until we organize under universal truth, understanding and a new economy based on that framework, then

politics will continue to have it's way with us.


the moment we stop supporting the problems in this world and in turn become solution oriented then

that is the moment we will begin to taste true freedom. first though, we will need to acquire the knowledge to

know what that all means and the strength to overcome the seductions that have been provided for

us to intertwine into our lives and slowly tare us apart and dumb us down.



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fucking seriously?


are you an idiot?


I could probably drive 4 miles from where I live right now and find over 50 Republican members earning far below the poverty line.



and that's just for starters.


people like you are the problem.


stop fucking picking sides for once in your small headed lives.


Do you vote?


vote for what exactly?

they'll have us voting our lives away.

when are we going to actually do something?

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And there, we agree. The lobbyists for special interest and corporations are where the problem lies.


I appreciate the fact we're in agreement there. One of the most encouraging things I read was Obama saying he'd rather have one term with healthcare reform than another without it. That's an appropriate attitude. If he could wrap up Iraq as promised, succumb to pressure to remove most troops out of Afghanistan (I don't mind the drones and covert shit, at least isn't a waste of money), and get shit moving on fronts like decriminalizing marijuana and allowing same-sex civil unions on a federal level, I'd be a happy camper. It's still just over a year into his term so who knows. But the pressure needs to be on.

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IDK, shit happens? Nobody wants him to close it so .. how could he?


i am deeply saddened people are still making excuses like this


when will the excuses stop? are you just continually making excuses because you voted for him?

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Obama has done nothing but try to clean it up and he gets blamed for it. He says 'this is what I want to do' and does it



clean up what exactly? i really want you to explain because most of the things i am deeply concerned about in this country have gotten worse, the state of our civil liberties, the way we conduct our military overseas, etc. . Since 9/11 Bush has eroded our constitution, since Obama has taken office none of the damage Bush did has been reversed or even talked about in regards to our constitution and rule of law. Obama likes to say things like 'We don't torture' while moving most of our prisoners to bagrham air base in Afghanistan where many reports of torture have taken place since January 2009


the only single good thing the president has done is take an entire year to repeal don't ask don't tell, nice gesture but it's still not going to take away the fact that we still imprison people without trials or probable cause, and use a mercenary army (xe blackwater) paid by our tax dollars of guys who fancy themselves christian holy warriors to go unaccountable into foriegn countries and kill people.


he's making some decisions i don't agree with, but at least he's being honest and open about them.


what makes you experience this feeling that he's being open and honest about them? i'm definitely not feeling that, every time i see him talk he's doing master triangulation techniques.

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Just to give an example of how outrageous, superficial, and illogical the political enviroment, take a look at the Texas governor election this year. In the GOP primaries Incumument Rick Perry is squaring off with a moderate Republican Senator (Kay Bailey Hutchinson) and a grassroots Tea Party local politician named Debra Medina. Both have called him on his corruption and the fact that he's all talk while our state does ok economically compared to rest of the country.


Anyway, most Americans know Rick Perry because he's strongly implied that Texas and probably should secede from the U.S., i.e. become it's own country for it's own good, and has every right to do so because of "federal oppression," blah blah...YET he recently slammed Medina for possibly being supportive to the idea that 9/11 had cover-ups involved. Glenn Beck came on Fox and blasted her as well.


So yeah, we have a secessionist calling a rumored 9/11 truther un-American, and getting away with it. That's how ridiculous this country is right now.

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Guest ezkerraldean

So yeah, we have a secessionist calling a rumored 9/11 truther un-American, and getting away with it. That's how ridiculous this country is right now.

large lols


texas/california/somewhere seceeding would certainly make north american politics more interesting though, i'd almost like to see it happen

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just get public healthcare already, dayum

One question: Who's going to pay for it?



here's an idea... lets all learn how to not get sick and avoid injury, that way we would only need doctors for extreme circumstances.


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good idea! i'll also attempt not to contract any terminal illnesses, thanks!


american politics is far too depressing for me to bother with much anymore. it's just a black vs white game. it's not about governing effectively it's a competition. obama seems like he wants to work together, but that wall st bailout was total BS, 700 billion could be used much more effectively, without this trickle down shit that *surprize!!* benefits the super elite upper class. foxnews is just playing with people and so are the other cable news channels with their dramatic graphics and sensationalized oft repeated sound bytes that exemplify cognitive dissonance.


though i do think national health care is long overdue, but the health care industry itself is fucked to hell with it's "there's a drug for that!" routine.

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Anyone saying Obama is Bush is completely irrational imo. Like I said his administration has done more good in a month than the GOP did in 8 years. And the bailouts were necessary although could have used more regulation. But the world would be looking at a global depression right now had they not done that

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whats people's beef with the bailout other than the obvious giving money to shitty banks thing? Theyre required to pay back the money with interest right? And havent most of the banks paid back their loans already?

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Anyone saying Obama is Bush is completely irrational imo. Like I said his administration has done more good in a month than the GOP did in 8 years. And the bailouts were necessary although could have used more regulation. But the world would be looking at a global depression right now had they not done that



ill up your irrational comment, with a 'you must be living in a parallel dimension' comment if you really believe even remotely what you've bolded above. Why dont you actually directly address my point ? if its as irrational as you say surely it's not that hard to knock down my points about Obama adopting assassination programs of american citizens, indefinite detention, increasing our mercenary forces overseas by 50%, continuing to erode away the constitution, supporting the patriot act. It's as if every time i say these things you either don't care about them or ignore them. I mean come on, actually try to differentiate these foreign policy and 'war on terror' positions from Bush's.


And right now he can't do anything cause the GOP is blocking everything. Like with most things popular, watmm is never satisfied. I wish I could type more but on my phone



you got your clock cleaned in the last Obama debate thread, you wouldn't finish debating me and told me i basically won and that you had conceded. do you remember that? when a president wants to do nothing he always uses the other party as an excuse for blocking him. This is as old as american politics itself, probably even proceeds that. As long as you keep thinking of things in such black and white republican VS democrat terms it's going to be very difficult for you to actually see the truly bad things this president is doing. IT will always make you reflexively be opposed to republicans and er on the side of the democratic leader.

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