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United Kingdom general election : 2010 Edition

Boxing Day

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Gordon Brown is out FOR SURE!!


I personally want the Lib dems to win ..


But i am pretty Sure David "Fuckcunt" Cameron will win it ..

Yeah FUCK Cameron and I don't like Gordon Brown either so that leaves Lib Dems I guess......

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Current Polls .. CON 38%, LAB 32%, LDEM 19%


I Understand why people want change (The Current PM is an Idiot , and Labour has been a fucking seeling out) .. but FUCK ME!!! DAVID FUCKING CAMERON IS NOT THE ANSWER.!!

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Current Polls .. CON 38%, LAB 32%, LDEM 19%


I Understand why people want change (The Current PM is an Idiot , and Labour has been a fucking seeling out) .. but FUCK ME!!! DAVID FUCKING CAMERON IS NOT THE ANSWER.!!

agreed, it should be the libdems turn to fuck the country sideways for a while.

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I think its a pretty safe bet that Brown is out as the country never voted him in as Prime Minister.

I've seen not one piece of Lib Dems propaganda so far.If they really want to become the next government, I suggest they get their collective fingers out,jump down off the fence and get campaigning.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i couldn't bring myself to vote libdem - nick clegg is possibly even more spineless and lacking substance than david cameron, if that's even possible.

i mean, name one policy that the libdems have proposed which hasn't been withdrawn. if vince cable was leader, they might have got a vote from me. maybe. if they had more policies and substance.


david cameron, on the other hand, is unapologetically trying to be tony blair circa 1997, all smiles, and being successful so far, apart from the minor details - blair had people in his shadow cabinet that the nation could relate to (prescott, etc.) whereas cameron's got the fucking pre-school millibands.


gordon brown shot himself in the foot when he tried to appear more human in front of the media, talking about his son, etc. he's not the kind of person who you want to like on a personal level, so he should just get his frown on and run the country without trying to be nice and smiley, and maybe then people would stop trying to shit on him. i mean, frankly, he hasn't done anything wrong as leader. blaming a WORLD economic recession on the leader/chancellor of one country is just incorrect.


i'm not a labour supporter however, because their political leanings are the exact fucking same as the tories. labour should be a socialist left-leaning party, the tories should be full of people who look like norman lamont, and the liberals should be liberal. i'm not a tory either...i mean, when did the tories start basing their election campaigns around families and community and improvements in the social attitutes of the nation, and this cash for marriages social engineering bullshit? i thought thatcher said that there was no community...


in conclusion, i'm voting monster raving loony party, because at least they've stuck to their original ethos.

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gordon brown shot himself in the foot when he tried to appear more human in front of the media, talking about his son, etc. he's not the kind of person who you want to like on a personal level, so he should just get his frown on and run the country without trying to be nice and smiley, and maybe then people would stop trying to shit on him. i mean, frankly, he hasn't done anything wrong as leader. blaming a WORLD economic recession on the leader/chancellor of one country is just incorrect.



Never thought I'd find myself in total agreement with Margaret Thatcher, but there you go.

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brown will stay probably with a hung parliament - because those of us older than 12 still remember the tories for the absolute cunt wanks they were last time they were in power and however hard they try to cover it up david cameron is still an upper class twat.


lib dems?



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Guest margaret thatcher

brown will stay probably with a hung parliament - because those of us older than 12 still remember the tories for the absolute cunt wanks they were last time they were in power and however hard they try to cover it up david cameron is still an upper class twat.


lib dems?




yeah, but as you well know, people's memories don't stretch as far back as the "back to basics" 3-in-a-bed sleaze, aitkin's perjury conviction, neil hamilton and the cash-for-questions stuff, david mellor's affair and subsequent bastard child, jeffrey fucking archer and handing over big brown envelopes stuffed full of cash to prozzies on railway stations, etc. ad nauseam.


fuck it, most people can't even remember last week.

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Guest ezkerraldean

i might not be in the country when big votey time happens, must find out how the fuck to post vote or whatever...


i realised today that Europe is the one and only thing i disagree with the Tories about. a bit of a shock really, i'm normally a Lib Dem chap.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

I'll be the happiest if we get a hung parliament. I don't think I could stand David Cameron, the boy fetus, and his amazing skin cream, as the outright winner. I can picture his smug face and it's not a pleasing picture.


I'd be interested to see what would happen come a hung parliament. Nick Clegg has said, in that case, he'd want support for his policies, not a seat in government. So will the Tories and Labour both end up courting the Lib Dems, making Lib Dem sized holes in their manifestos, in the hope Nick will chose them?


The Lib Dems would surely experience electoral pressure to support the party with the largest share of the votes, the Tories most likely. But then again if the Lib Dems do support Labour then, combined, they'll have the biggest share of the electorate.


But I'm unsure if the Lib Dems will happily jump in bed with Labour. They've seen their support diminish as Labour has converged to their policies over the years, especially since their inception. And Charles Kennedy purposely moved their support from Labour as he saw it has electorally damaging.


It should be interesting hopefully. If the Tories do gain an overall majority in the Commons then I guess I'll just ignore politics until we gain some kind of facebook-enabled referendum party fascist state run by the presenters of Top Gear.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

from this distance (US) i was sure david cameron would win. by default really but everyone i speak to says he a complete dolt. i saw him wearing converse sneakers in a sunday supplement once.

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Hahaha , somebody on the TV said " we should abolish the Magna Carta and make The Queen absolute ruler " ..


The TV Reporter asked Why .. and the guy responded " Because I Like Lizards , and their ideals " .


lol brilliant

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so what flavour of capitalism would you like this time and will it matter either way?


a vote really means you have a say in how our civilisation serves the economic greed/madness/virus that will eventually collapse in a heap of mad max shite at what ever cost and long as they can afford to keep you under control until they can pass the blame on some other blagger who wil try to convince us he/they actually have a control!

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