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fucking lol

Fred McGriff

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i mean seriously. i know i'm kind of preaching to the choir here. but do you realize how massive the universe is? it's literally unfathomable. the human mind cannot even comprehend. we are but a fart in the wind.


seriously who really thinks that all the skads and skads of stars and planets and moons and all that shit is out there for decoration.


(watching "journey to the edge of the universe" right now on Nat Geo. narrated by Alec Baldwin no less. his voice acting skills have put my convictions about intelligent life out there completely over the top!)


what does this mean though because obviously it means nothing to us right now at this point in time because we are weak fart-in-the-wind humans. i mean we havent even mastered nuclear fission yet. come on, who hasn't done that yet in the universe? one thing i like to imagine is the probability of a solar system out there that has two close planets with intelligent life, and they get to contact each other, and have their fucking minds blown out of their asses at the total WTFness. and they have to rewrite their religions. or at least do a little recallibrating.


anyway it makes me long for a higher power. i want the answers. i'm not going to get to know the universe in my lifetime. sure would be nice to know in the afterlife! *crosses fingers*




thank you alec baldwin

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Guest tht tne

i used to get vertigo thinking about the size of the universe when i was trying to sleep as a child; i miss that feeling

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Guest glasse

i remember an episode of Silverhawks where they reached the edge of the universe, and there was an angel there who was like "you have reached the edge of the universe, you can come through (to heaven i presume) or go back" of course they went back because they were on some mission i forget i was 12. anyone else remember this?

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Guest mohamed

i used to get vertigo thinking about the size of the universe when i was trying to sleep as a child; i miss that feeling


same. you can regain it everytime, thanks god it's not a exact science


i remember having the same feeling while rolling myself into a ball in the feet hole of the passenger seat


you could nearly feel the road from below you

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Guest tht tne

i remember an episode of Silverhawks where they reached the edge of the universe, and there was an angel there who was like "you have reached the edge of the universe, you can come through (to heaven i presume) or go back" of course they went back because they were on some mission i forget i was 12. anyone else remember this?


that's really sad

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Guest glasse

i remember an episode of Silverhawks where they reached the edge of the universe, and there was an angel there who was like "you have reached the edge of the universe, you can come through (to heaven i presume) or go back" of course they went back because they were on some mission i forget i was 12. anyone else remember this?


that's really sad


you think they should've gone through? i think whatever they were doing was pretty important.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

if we somehow the only type of intelligent life in this universe as incomprehensible as it may seem to a rational brain aware of the possibilities, there is definitely much more top shelf life in different dimensions or something along those lines.

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Guest tht tne

i remember an episode of Silverhawks where they reached the edge of the universe, and there was an angel there who was like "you have reached the edge of the universe, you can come through (to heaven i presume) or go back" of course they went back because they were on some mission i forget i was 12. anyone else remember this?


that's really sad


you think they should've gone through? i think whatever they were doing was pretty important.


seems like the kind of chance you only get once; i would've taken it

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

... its alec righ?


should be finishing my metropolis soundtrack submission but im too tired and gotta work early tomorrow, gonna watch this and falls asleep

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Questioning our own uniqueness as human beings has always been for me one of the deepest philosophical/scientific topics. Unfortunately, if we ever get in contact with an extraterrestrial species, I doubt this is going to be as fascinating as it sounds (war, discrimination, etc.). Plus, if the another civilization in outer space looked like us and spoke english, like in Stargate, that would be quite disappointing when it comes to our feeling of being like no other species.

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Guest glasse

it's not gonna be like Stargate. I mean the whole Egypt thing? Might as well be like the Chronicles of Riddick.

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Questioning our own uniqueness as human beings has always been for me one of the deepest philosophical/scientific topics. Unfortunately, if we ever get in contact with an extraterrestrial species, I doubt this is going to be as fascinating as it sounds (war, discrimination, etc.). Plus, if the another civilization in outer space looked like us and spoke english, like in Stargate, that would be quite disappointing when it comes to our feeling of being like no other species.


if a bunch of lousy humanoids showed up i would feel so fucking ripped off. i would sit there and demand that they transmogrify into a proper WTF-shaped beings STAT!

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Today a young man on paint thinner realized that all matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.

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Guest Enter a new display name

Questioning our own uniqueness as human beings has always been for me one of the deepest philosophical/scientific topics. Unfortunately, if we ever get in contact with an extraterrestrial species, I doubt this is going to be as fascinating as it sounds (war, discrimination, etc.). Plus, if the another civilization in outer space looked like us and spoke english, like in Stargate, that would be quite disappointing when it comes to our feeling of being like no other species.


if a bunch of lousy humanoids showed up i would feel so fucking ripped off. i would sit there and demand that they transmogrify into a proper WTF-shaped beings STAT!

How could they possibly change their shape for your own pleasure? I guess you could... spread the elephant man's virus upon them?

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Guest tht tne

my friend and i were talking about movies and he's all "have you seen it's complicated" and i'm all no and i never will he really surprised me with that one

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Questioning our own uniqueness as human beings has always been for me one of the deepest philosophical/scientific topics. Unfortunately, if we ever get in contact with an extraterrestrial species, I doubt this is going to be as fascinating as it sounds (war, discrimination, etc.). Plus, if the another civilization in outer space looked like us and spoke english, like in Stargate, that would be quite disappointing when it comes to our feeling of being like no other species.


if a bunch of lousy humanoids showed up i would feel so fucking ripped off. i would sit there and demand that they transmogrify into a proper WTF-shaped beings STAT!

How could they possibly change their shape for your own pleasure? I guess you could... spread the elephant man's virus upon them?


*lousy humanoid aliens arrive*

McGriff: omg wtf yall are not aliens

Aliens: yes we are

McGriff: stfu you are bipeds and you speak english

Aliens: so? same applies to you!

McGriff: exactly.

Aliens: fine we are not aliens


*end scene*


yeah you'right that didnt play out at all, i didnt even get a chance to demand them to transmogrify before they admitted they werent even aliens, fucking rip.

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Guest Babar

If you consider we are not alone in the universe there is lot of chances that we are not the first. Thus if life appeared on planet X a little million years ahead of earth, they are potentially one million years ahead of our technology. Unless there is no way to travel faster than light, they must be visiting us.

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i'm sure earth is the dumb planet that nobody ever visits because "hey they're so stupid they don't even know we exist!".. and ufo sightings etc are just alien teenagers going for a joyride, like cosmic cow-tipping or something.

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maybe there is a planet populated by nothing but Alec Baldwins out there


wouldn't an infinite universe imply that. anything that can happen, will happen.

then again i don't know if the universe is infinite, is there a consensus on this. i think the latest thing discoverd is that the universe is flat and is going to expand forever.


one sad thought about life in the universe, what if we are the first ever life that has popped up in this universe. life is estimated to have been around for 3.5 billion years, with only the last 100 (?) million year with advanced life. i sure hope not we're not the first ones. it's not likely is it with the universe being 13.7 billion years old, right?


i would love for aliens to appear like some independence day shit and just flat out say to us what fuckups we really are, fighting over arbitrary lines on a map or over imaginary things in the sky and pretty much ruining the only place we can live on.

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